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32 Lyrics From Lauren Daigle's 'Look Up Child' That Will Put You Squarely In Your Feels

"I cannot earn what you so freely give."

32 Lyrics From Lauren Daigle's 'Look Up Child' That Will Put You Squarely In Your Feels

On Friday, September 7th, Lauren Daigle came out with her long-awaited album, "Look Up Child" and honestly, it was everything I needed to hear and there were so many things that I need to be reminded of more often than I'd like to admit. So many things she says in her songs have been things that have stuck with me all week. Rather than just picking from one song, here's a full list of lyrics from every song off the album that hit me right in my feels.

1 – 2: "Still Rolling Stones" 

"The darkness should've known You're still rolling stones."

"I thought I was too far gone, for everything I've done wrong. I'm the one who dug this grave, but You called my name."

3 – 5: "Rescue"

"I will send out an army to find You in the middle of the darkness. It's true, I will rescue You."

"I will never stop marching to reach You in the middle of the hardest fight."

"I hear You whisper You have nothing left."

6 – 8: "This Girl"

"I'm still learning to be still."

"I searched the world to find my heart is Yours."

"I searched the world to find what I'm looking for, I want nothing more."

9 – 10: "Your Wings"

"With every step that I take, You are before and behind me."

"You're my covering, I'm safe."

11 – 13: "You Say"

"You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing."

"The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me."

"In You I find my worth, in You I find my identity."

14 – 15: "Everything"

"You tell the seasons when it's time for them to turn, so I will trust You even when it hurts."

"When I'm weak, You are mighty. You are everything I need."

16 – 18: "Love Like This"

"I cannot earn what You so freely give."

"What have I done to deserve love like this?"

"When I am a wasteland, You are the water."

19 – 21: "Look Up Child"

"Where are You now when the world is crumbling?"

"I hear You say 'Look up child.'"

"I know You're in control, even in our suffering."

22 – 23: "Losing My Religion"

"It all seems so insincere. I'd trade it all to meet You here."

"I need something different, and different looks like You."

24 – 26: "Remember"

"In the darkest hour when I cannot breathe, fear is on my chest, the weight of the world on me. Everything is crashing down, everything I had known, when I wonder if I'm all alone."

"I remember You have always been faithful to me."

"I have seen giants fall, I have seen mountains move, I have seen waters part, because of You."

27 – 28: "Rebel Heart"

"I don't want to fight You anymore, so take this rebel heart and make it Yours."

"Your love is like an arrow straight and true, and now this rebel heart belongs to You."

29 – 30: "Inevitable"

"Father, even then my song will be. I know You will always carry me. It's inevitable."

"Set Your promise to play on repeat in my head. When You meet my anxiety, put it to death."

31 – 32: "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

"Through death into life everlasting, He passed, and we follow Him there."

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