1. Quality over quantity.
This becomes more and more clear as the years go on. Of course having a big friend group is fun, but let's face it, not everyone in that group falls under the true dictionary definition of a friend. Begin to appreciate the ones that stick by your side through thick and thin more than those who conveniently come to you whenever they need something.
2. Coming to terms with moving on.
Everyone has had that one person who has put them through hell and back. The feelings may still be there, but no one deserves that. As my cousin once told me, "you gotta kiss a few frogs to find your prince."
3. "Like everyone, trust no one."
Always be the better person, enough emphasis cannot be put on this. The Golden Rule has been instilled into everyone's brains since Kindergarten. Don't forget it's stored in there.
4. Right or wrong, own up to it.
Just like if you were to do something good, you would be proud and give yourself the credit. Everyone does messed up things and makes mistakes, unfortunately the credit has to be taken for that too. If you accept what you've done and move on from it, you will only come out a better person.
5. People naturally grow apart.
It is, what it is. You're going to find yourself drifting from people you never imagined you would. This only leads to you building new and more lasting relationships.
6. Think everything through.
It's always said to, follow your heart or your gut feeling, but you also always need to use your head. Always think before you do or say something. It seems like a relatively simple concept, but everyone finds themselves regretting their actions and words.
7. "When life gives you lemons..."
"... make lemonade." Life's too short to let things bring you down, take it as it comes and enjoy every possible aspect of it.
8. Don't put effort into anyone who doesn't put the same effort into you.
If you find yourself to be the only one that's trying to make a friendship or relationship work out, it's not meant to be. People that genuinely want to be part of your life will always put in an equal amount of effort to prove that to you.
9. Forgive and forget.
Last but not least, and my personal favorite, the infamous method of forgive and forget. We've all used this at one point down the road when ridding ourselves of those who simply no longer belong in our lives; there's no need to hold grudges against anyone.
And the rest is still unwritten...for the obstacles of life that we still have yet to face.