1. Keep dirty laundry in basket always so it's easy to grab
2. Sort laundry 2 ways...delicates (dresses w silky fabrics, dressy tops, clothing w/studs or appliques) & non-delicates (cotton tshirts/dresses, towels, sheets, flannel shirts).
3. On all delicates, check the care label (sizing tag bottom/undersides). On dresses and skirts, these labels can be tucked into odd places such as the inner middle of a garment. If the tag is cut off, see if you have something with the same fabric texture/material blend and follow those care instructions.
4. If you have no instructions to go by and it seems delicate, wash the item in the sink with a little Woolite. If the sink you have to use is shared/scary-looking on the bottom, use a plastic dishwashing container.
5. Use the dyer minimally on delicate items and truly, anything that you don't want to shrink. You can use the 'Tumble Dry' or 'Delicates' feature. Towels and sheets are fine to be in the dryer for 30-45 min, but try not to dry other items for this long. Instead, try using a big windowsill to dry whites (socks, t-shirts). The effects of sunlight will also help keep these white items whiter. Air dry bras by hanging a few on a pants hanger and hanging on the front of a door/closet. Hang up tshirts after 15 minutes in the dryer and finish them up with the high setting on a blow-dryer.
6. Get a fold-up clothes rack for an extra place to dry sweaters and dresses outside of the dryer.