If you've ever lived in a dorm, you know how awful the laundry room can get. In a building with ten floors of girls, it can sometimes turn into a war zone. Between the girl waiting and one spilling laundry detergent everywhere, it's a wonder anyone makes it out alive. The Office characters understand what it's like too...
When you first walk into the laundry room and all the washers are taken plus there are girls waiting in line.
Maybe I should just come back at 2 AM.
When one girl takes up three washers
Do you not see everyone else trying to wash their clothes too?
Because the washing machines are so old, some of them start to leak water
Everyone is glaring at you, but you try to explain it's not your fault.
When our clothes have been done for one minute and some girl will try and move them.
If you hadn't caught her your favorite sweater would have shrunk in the dryer.
After you've put your clothes through the dry cycle twice, they are finally dry.
It's about time!
When you finally get all your laundry done and get to go upstairs and relax.
Until next week, laundry room.
But then you find one random sock
This isn't mine, but I guess I'll just put it in my drawer with the rest