If you lookup the word procrastinator in the Google search bar on your computer, Vocabulary.com will tell you that it means: a person who delays or puts things off — like work, chores, or other actions — that should be done in a timely manner. So ask yourself, are you a procrastinator? If you are, then we are very similar and you know the biggest struggles of putting things off or taking your sweet time to get something done.
1. Paper due at midnight? No worries 11:55 pm is the best time to turn it in.
This may sound like a bit of an exaggeration, but sometimes us as procrastinators actually do this! Our brain needs time to decide what we want to do with out clustered thoughts.
2. You sleep in as long as you can.
The snooze button is one of our best friends.
3. Making up a reason of why we are procrastinating is part of being a procrastinator.
We claim other things to be more important or we were busy with something else insetad.
4. Concentration does not come easy.
No we do not have ADD, we just get distracted easily.
5. Listening to music while doing work, or having it be silent is a tough decision.
Changing the song, or singing along gets distracting an can be a set back for sure.
6. Just because we are told about something far in advance does not mean we will start on that task earlier.
Remember we are extremely "busy."