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5 Late Night Comedy Hosts And How Well They Can Probably Grill A Steak

Late night hosting and steak grilling are directly correlated.

5 Late Night Comedy Hosts And How Well They Can Probably Grill A Steak

Late night comedy is the perfect escape. It's the perfect way to unwind before bedtime, catch up on the news of the day with a satirical twist, and see what new or exciting comedy segment your favorite host has come up with recently. From Fallon to Colbert, each show offers something different and delivers its own unique perspective, reflected through the content of the show and the host as well. However, whenever I watch late night comedy, one question always seems to pop up in my mind. I always find myself wondering how well each host would be able to grill a steak. You can tell a surprising amount about the way a person grills a steak by the way that person hosts a late night comedy show, so here are five late night hosts, ranked by how well they can probably grill a steak.

1. John Oliver

"Last Week Tonight" with John Oliver is a television masterpiece that offers a blend of late night comedy and informative journalism, achieving wondrous results. It may not be a traditional late night show, but John Oliver's talents create something truly unique and as a result, it seems like this guy really knows how to grill a steak. If you're at a barbecue and John Oliver happens to be there, there is a pretty good chance that he will take over for the grill master and show everybody how it's done, because he just knows how to grill.

2. Stephen Colbert

Colbert's spectacular charisma and naturally funny persona make him a prime late night comedy host, as well as a prime steak griller. Colbert's show is a fair amount more political than your average late night show, but even though it seems to lean rather heavily on political humor, the show is still wildly funny and entertaining, which is how you know that Colbert also knows a thing or two about grilling up some steaks. And honestly, I get the vibe that Colbert can not only grill a steak, but he can handle chicken and burgers as well.

3. Jimmy Fallon

Fallon's goofy, yet hilarious presence, his immense talent, and his willingness to pretty much be friends with everyone have allowed him to secure what is probably the most sought-after position in late night TV, the host of the Tonight Show. His show is a bit more light-hearted than Oliver or Colbert, and as a result Fallon may apply this light-hearted nature to his steak-grilling as well, although it seems hard to tell. He is a phenomenal late night host, and definitely knows how to grill a steak, his technique may just differ a little bit from some of the other hosts.

4. Jimmy Kimmel

As a U of A student, I should probably automatically despise Jimmy Kimmel since he went to ASU. However, his show does have some pretty funny segments. I do wonder, however, about his steak-grilling abilities sometimes. I'm sure that Jimmy Kimmel knows his way around a grill, but grilling just doesn't strike me as a typical activity for him. But hey, I could be wrong.

5. Seth Meyers

Seth Meyers' show doesn't always work for me, and he was probably in a position that was a better fit when he was head writer and host of Weekend Update for "Saturday Night LIve." Still, the show does have its entertaining moments, and Seth is still a relatively new late night host, so he still has time to improve. For some reason, Seth strikes me as the master of grilling steaks, like he is unbelievably good at it and watching him grill is like watching a true master at work.

Okay, so I've never actually asked any of these late night hosts about their steak-grilling abilities, nor have I ever seen any of them grill a steak. But, I have watched their shows, which has really given me all the insight I need into these five late night comedy hosts, and the way they grill their steaks.

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