Ah, high school. Some love it, and some hate it. Personally, I love high school, but my journey through these halls didn't start out so cheery three years ago. However, by joining clubs and making new friends, I've learned to appreciate my high school for the person it's molded me into while enjoying the path it's taken me on. As soon as school got out for summer break, I was actually sad because I knew I wouldn't be able to be around so many people I care about within this enriching environment all of the time.
Because I've chosen to make the most out of high school, I've received a good experience in return. Now, with the new school year approaching, I'm practically counting down the days until the first bell when I get to see all of my friends and favorite teachers again. When I step back on to my high school campus on August 10, 2016, at 8 A.M., however, it will be my last first day ever. With senior year dawning on me, I, like most high school seniors, have become reflective about everything I've gained from these past three years.
With less than a month until school starts, I find myself thinking more and more about how high school is so much different from the world outside of the high school classroom. The high school experience is unlike anything else in one's life, and it's important to appreciate everything it has to offer before it just becomes a part of the past.
So, without further ado, here are the reasons why I'm excited to embark on my final year of high school and soak in the experiences while they last:
1. Seeing Friends
Though freshman year was a rocky start (as it is for many), come sophomore year and into junior year, I had built solid friendships that made me want to come to school early. Sounds crazy to some, but I would actually make the effort to come to school at least 20 minutes earlier just so I could hang out with my friends in the morning. Once school got out though, there was no more rushing out the door just to squeeze in a few moments with friends before the first bell rang. In reality, I haven't been able to see mostly all of those friends this summer, but that's just how summer goes.
I've learned to appreciate those friendships, and with senior year around the corner, I know this will be the last year I'll be able to see all of those amazing friends consistently. I want to spend every moment I can enjoying my time with them while it lasts.
2. New Classes
Though some may not necessarily enjoy high school for its academic aspect, I actually enjoy taking new, challenging classes. Am I looking forward to the loads of homework those new, challenging classes bring? Not necessarily. I am, however, looking forward to having something academic to put my mind to. I even started on my summer homework last night!
Am I slightly geeking out? Yes, but being a geek isn't a bad thing. I like learning, and, well, the main goal of school is to provide a foundational education. Four AP classes here I come!
3. Applying to College
I remember dreaming about going to college ever since I was ten. Ten! It's both exciting and overwhelming that this is the year I'm to apply for my next four years of education. Essentially, it's my first step into adulthood (now that I say it that way, it sounds very daunting).
On the lighter side, what makes the application process so exciting, though, is that my hard work in high school has the potential to finally to pay off in the form of getting into the college of my dreams. Even if I don't make it into "that" school, I'm still eagerly anticipating starting anew in a fresh environment of my choice and finally having the opportunity to study the things I'm passionate about.
The worst part? Having to actually go through the grueling application process, trying to figure out good essay topics, choosing my top colleges, figuring out my major, understanding how to pay for college, etc. The list goes on and on. Nonetheless, it's a challenge I'm willing to take head-on!
4. Living by a Schedule
Though having the leisurely, open summer days, binging Netflix, and going to the beach practically every other day is nice, but after awhile, I itch to have something productive to do on a regular basis. School does not only mean waking up early -- it means waking up early consistently. Honestly? I miss my morning regime, waking up at 6 o'clock in the morning just to have time to shower, get ready, make a good lunch, eat a good breakfast, and get to school early enough to hang out with friends in the morning.
Sounds exhausting to some, but to me it's something to wake up to everyday.
5. Seniority
I saved the best for last, of course. With senior year comes a plethora of new privileges: sitting outside for lunch, senior parking, leaving early for lunch, color pages in the yearbook (unless you're fortunate enough to have an all-color yearbook), having leadership positions in clubs, getting first priority for classes, having freshmen look up to you, having a whole pep rally dedicated to your graduating class, going to senior prom -- this list also goes on and on.
With all of these newfound privileges, however, comes new responsibilities. There are no more slip ups because teachers and administration expect you to know the law of the land and set a good example for underclassmen. At this point, there are few to no second chances because after this year, that's it. No more high school. It's a lot of weight to bear, but by enduring the challenges senior year brings, you'll ultimately come out stronger and better prepared for what the future has to hold.
So has high school been the best few years of my life? Well, I can't say that I know what's going to happen in the future (despite just finishing the Back to the Future trilogy), but I can say that my years in high school have been memorable and have made me a better person.
Senior year, I'm coming for you!