The last week of the school year is bittersweet for college students. Sure, finals are stressful and you can't wait to be done with school, but college is like your second home, and you don't really want to leave. Here are some of the things that come with that last week before summer vacation.
1. Studying for finals for days on end
2. ...and hating your professors for making you take tests and write papers.
3. Packing up your room and realizing just how much stuff you actually have.
4. Saying goodbye to all your friends
5. ...especially the ones who are from a different state.
6. Trying to find a summer job
7. ...and remembering that you need to save that money, not spend it.
8. Taking lots of squad pictures to commemorate the year.
9. Being excited to see family and friends again
10. ...but counting down the days until you get to be back on campus.
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