The last six months of being under 21 are the worst. All your friends are going out to bars every night while you're stuck at home drinking wine, alone. Counting down every day until you FINALLY join the 21 club with everyone else you know. Every under 21-year-old has experienced the struggles that being the youngest comes with.
1. When there is a house party.
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Someone finally decides to pity all the under aged friends and gives up a night at the bar to throw a house party you BEG your friends to go with you instead of hitting up the local bar for the fifth night out. You just want to have fun too!
2. Trying to find a fake ID.
"I remember this girl that graduated high school like three years before me that I bumped into in the hall 6 years ago. She kinda has the same color hair as me. I bet she'd give me her ID, crap what was her name?"
3. When your friends go to the bar AGAIN.
Looks like it's another night of Vampire Diaries and drinking wine with my cat for me.
4. Going out to dinner.
"Yes! Finally some friend time that I can be included in. This will be so fun!" You think to yourself, until you get to the restaurant and everyone decides to get a round of tequila shots and a margaritas before we even get our coats off. I guess drinking sad water it is.
5. Having to pick your drunk friends up at the bar.
As if it's not bad enough that you can't go out with them, you have to leave your comfy bed that you haven't gotten out of in hours and pick them all up. Rounding up five drunks at the end of the night is a lot harder than you would think.
6. The day you finally turn 21.
You've been waiting for this day to come for what feels like forever. Its like Christmas but BETTER. Finally you can be apart of all the fun 21 year old activities!
Hang in there! It will all be over soon!