We've all been there. The yearly family vacation. Where you get so excited to spend days or even weeks crammed close together with your siblings and parents. Whether it's flying or driving... It's sure to be a trip to remember.
Flying leads to boredom, so personally I believe the 8-9 hour car ride is worse. I mean everyone, except the driver, is asleep for the first 2 hours, so that just leaves the next 6-7 hours to being poked, having your phone hid, and your little brother taking up way too much space.
Getting to your destination it gets even better. The second you check in, the family assembly line starts. Of course, this is where everyone brings in your families luggage except for the one sibling that thinks they're the best and 'watches' your belongings to make sure they're safe.
After the room is packed and the overly long argument of what everyone wants to do the next week is out of the way, there's the first night of family dinner. The first night of family dinner is always fun because everyone is tired from traveling and unpacking the car. So this is the time everyone is very honest about what they think of you. I mean... Communication is key to a healthy family right?
Over the next few days, it starts to sink in that you are here to stay on this trip, and should probably start making the best of it. Even if you still can't find your phone your brother hid. Slowly the fun will start to happen, and the busier you all stay the better the vacation seems to be. Granted, vacations come with compromise, there usually is something planned for everyone No amount of angst or silent treatment is going to make the vacation any more enjoyable, so might as well just join in on the fun.
All in all, a family vacation has its ups and downs. Even though siblings can be rough on your self-esteem, your sister could hog the bathroom, or even if she calls dibs on the one bed with a window you will all miss it. Even if it doesn't seem that way now. Through all the bickering and arguing, there is a lot of good. One day everyone will be too old or working too much to go on another family vacation. The number of family members that go will dwindle down until there isn't another trip planned. Which yes it is sad to think about, but it is life, and life is fast. It may not seem like you are even close to having this luxury of being stuck with your family with no other option, but this time will fly by. So take advantage of family time when you can. No matter how crammed for space you are.