When I was near the end of my first semester of college, I came up with a list of things I learned from college. They included: eating three meals a day is impossible, living next to the lounge is all good & fun until it's passed quiet hours and everyone goes in the lounge to scream and throw things at the wall at one in the morning, regardless of how well you did in AP English in high school, Expository Writing is based poorly on the eight circles of Hell, the Bus Drivers are out to ruin your day, the heat will be turned on when it's 60 degrees out, but when it is 20 degrees, they will turn it off to make you suffer, even when the heat is on, you will wish it was off due to the fact that they blast it at 90 degrees, don't let your feet touch the shower floor; you will regret it, you can steal whole pies from the dining hall without getting caught, being weird is nothing out of the norm here, naps are your best friend and pick your battles. But here I am three years later, finishing up my last fall semester of college. So I thought now would be a good time to update the list.
1. Eating three meals a day is still impossible, even if you have your own kitchen and fridge (and one of those meals will almost always be pasta).
One of those meals will almost always either be pasta or cereal, it's the diet of champions.
2. Living anywhere on or off-campus is just as noisy as Madison Square and Broadway at 11:00pm on a Friday.
No, really. Any night of the week, people are playing can-jam, throwing bowling balls down the stairs, screaming at the television during any sporting season, tailgating football games at 9:00am, etc.
3. You'll need to re-learn how to write to please every new professor you have.
What can I say? Some people love the Oxford Comma, some hate it. some love your quick wit, some think it's too punchy. You just have to feel it all out.
4. The bus drivers are still out to ruin your day.
If possible, I have found it best to base your schedule around your home campus.
5. Living in a house built in the early 1900's also yields either freezing or stifling temperatures; you can't win.
Want to take home your shorts over winter break? Too bad! You'll probably need them when your cozy room turns into a sauna in the middle of January.
6. Having five female roommates does not a clean shower make.
7. When you don't have a meal plan, you'd be amazed at how much dining hall food you can fit in your backpack when your friends guest-swipe you.
8. You will rarely find anyone who is not weird, if you spend enough time with them.
i.e. my roommates.
9. Naps will ruin you, but beauty rest is very important.
Don't get caught up in the sweet, soothing call of your bed. Hop in for no more than 20 minutes a day and you'll feel replenished and revived. But always remember, getting at least seven hours of sleep a night is the goal!
10. Pick your battles, you can't win them all.
This is the most important lesson I have ever learned thus far.