I'm writing this article to tell you that I am a "self-entitled, whiny brat, who complains a lot". I am a student who agrees with the article "Late Fall Break". I agree with this article because the schedule change due to the election has thrown some students off mentally and physically. The article was written to show the views and thoughts of those who have expressed their opinion on our campus.
PSA: Not ALL students feel like this, but most do.
My writer, Cara Guinn, has been completely bashed by this article. It is okay to disagree, but not when your comments turn into cursing and very hurtful words. Especially when directed to a student who is extremely hardworking. This article is to respectfully disagree with those of you who bashed my writer.
According to the comments, "we have no clue", and that someone can't wait for "life to beat the living h*** out of you". For this comment, I am in shock that an adult would actually put that. An adult who apparently has worked their whole life and went to school with the same issues we have today.
This article was not written to wine or complain about college being hard. We know it's hard. We also knew that before we even applied to come here.
So before you stop reading this article, let me tell you what and who I actually am.
I am a very hardworking student who has all A's. A graduate of Goose Creek High School with a 4.3 GPA. To some of you that may not matter, but to me, it does. It matters because I switched high school's in the middle of my school career to have a better life for myself. My academics became my main focus again and I was in all honors classes. This then led me to being accepted into Lander's Honors College. Yep. The student who "has no clue" is in the honors college. I am also enrolled in 18 credit hours; which to me is normal but for some is ridiculously hard. I have an internship that demands around 10 hours a week in between class as well as work two other jobs. I study and I maintain my grades among everything else I have going on. But to some, this isn't "the real world". Apparently I have no clue what the real world looks like. Sorry, I didn't realize that I was living in some dream world where I didn't have to pay for everything and that I got "everything handed to me".
I didn't realize that just because I didn't have a child (in which many college students my age do, so props to y'all), that I wasn't in "the real world". The world where I have plenty of responsibilities including leading a team of amazing and inspiringwriters who you like to bash behind a computer screen.
Some of you still may not realize this, but we work very hard at Lander University. Our professors expect high quality work at all times. We do not bull-crap classes and/or assignments. If we did, we would fail. Lander University takes in top-notch students who are willing to work and have a passion for learning. We do not take your comments lightly as they are extremely rude and untrue.
This article has only inspired us to work harder and to show all of you with negative things to say who truly is boss. We understand that some people do not get breaks and we are very thankful for the breaks that we do receive. We also understand that in "the real world", actually let's just say when you're not in college since that's what it truly should be called, that life may get harder depending on what type of lifestyle you live. In college our schedules dictate our life at every waking moment. From random assignments and extracurricular activities that are mandatory to going to four or five classes in one day alone. Don't forget about the two jobs I mentioned beforehand that you have to squeeze in there somewhere.
For us to survive in the post-grad world, we have to work our tails off now to reach the expectations we have set for ourselves as well as the ones set by others. Some of us may not go down the same road you went down and that is perfectly fine. Just like the Back to the Future quote says, "Where we're going, we don't need roads". I live in a generation where we carve our own lifestyles and our own careers. We don't need pity or rude comments from you. Instead, encourage us in a respectful manner and remember back to the times when you were complaining about school. (Because we all know you complained as well).
Do not let the people who commented on that article detour your choice if you are on the line of deciding to come to Lander. Instead, focus on how the comments of some are based on opinions, not facts. I love Lander and will remain faithful to Lander forever.