If Oklahoma voters approve State Question 777 in November, farmers and ranchers will have added legal protection. No law will be able to interfere with these new rights. State and local governments would not be allowed to place any new regulations on the agricultural businesses. Many Oklahomans are worried about corporate interest interfering with the well-being of their community, which is a very real fear.
If SQ777 is approved, it will be very hard to comply with federal law and preserve our land. Deregulation of the agricultural industry will have huge environmental consequences. It will be very hard to preserve the state's water and natural resources. Oklahoma already faces environmental threats from the agricultural industry. Waterways are being polluted by farming runoff and resources needed to continuing farming are running scarce. The biggest threat to water is that large farms can dispose of animal waste anyway they see fit which will have a major impact on our waterways.
On top of environmental concerns, many fear that the State Question will have a large negative effect on small family farmers. Big Ag will begin to encroach on farms that have been run by individual families for decades. Oklahoma's agricultural industry will undergo a major transition which may result in economic consequences for the state. Big Ag would suck the economic resources from small towns, pushing them to the brink of existence.
If 777 passes, Oklahomans will not be able to hold farms belonging to large corporations accountable. No animal welfare standards will be put in place by the public. There will obviously be no regulation on the cattle and chicken industries, which have been proven to contribute great to changing environmental conditions. It would also protect animal industries like puppy mills and rooster breeding for cockfights.
I encourage each of you to read both sides of the argument. Regardless of what side you take, this issue will have a large impact on Oklahoma's environment and economy. We know we belong to the land, and the land we belong to is grand!