Lady Gaga: A Leader In Empowerment And The Renewal Of Hope
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Lady Gaga: A Leader In Empowerment And The Renewal Of Hope

As if you need another reason to love her.

Lady Gaga: A Leader In Empowerment And The Renewal Of Hope
Chris Klemens

Lady Gaga released her first album in 2008, when I was about 12 years old. At the time, her music was fun and uplifting, and it was all anybody played on the radio for the next few years. I can't say that I understood the meaning of each song at the mere and innocent age of 12, but I knew that I loved her boldness and her talent. Despite her seemingly perfect vocals and catchy music, Lady Gaga now has a deeper meaning in my life and here's why:

She is an activist against harassment and bullying: While many people know Lady Gaga as a singer and an activist on social media, you might not know about her foundation, the Born This Way Foundation.

The foundation is dedicated to empowering youth and supporting kindness, mental wellness, and positive school environments:

Cities of Kindness:A joint project with Phil Anschutz and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Cities of Kindness aims to spread kindness throughout America by challenging cities, and their respective mayors, throughout the country "to commit to 100 billion acts of kindness."

By doing so, Gaga and her partners hope to see a change in mental health and even a decrease in crime.

#KindMonsters: This movement inspires youth to become active leaders in their community, advocating for kindness and acceptance. You can share your story, nominate a peer as a leader in spreading kindness, or even sign a petition where you can pledge yourself to "I will be conscious that what I say online has an impact, and lead by example by using my online presence to encourage and empower others. I will invite my friends — both online and IRL — to explore our creativity, passions, and imagination in order to build a kinder, braver world."

She isn't afraid to talk about mental health: In many interviews, Lady Gaga has discussed her battles with depression and how her rise to stardom impacted her: “I openly admit to having battled depression and anxiety and I think a lot of people do,” she continued. “I think it’s better when we all say: ‘Cheers!’ And ‘fess up to it.” She also recognizes the struggles that a lot of youth experience today, especially when it comes to anxiety and depression and the isolation that comes with growing up in a world of technology: "I’ve suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life, I still suffer with it every single day. I just want these kids to know that that depth that they feel as human beings is normal. We were born that way. This modern thing, where everyone is feeling shallow and less connected? That's not human."

She advocates for survivors of sexual assault: She speaks out so that other survivors of sexual assault know that they are not alone: "I'm here because when I look out onto the sea of beautiful young faces that I get to sing and dance for, I see a lot of people who have secrets that are killing them." As a survivor of sexual assault herself, Lady Gaga knows the trauma and the resilience it takes to keep going: "I didn't know how to think about it. I didn't know how to accept it. I didn't know how not to blame myself, or think it was my fault. It was something that really changed my life. It changed who I was completely.”

Recently, her song 'Til It Happens to You' became an "anthem for survivors of sexual assault and all forms of trauma" when it was featured in The Hunting Ground, a documentary that explores campus rape and assault. The music video below is emotional and graphic, but it has a powerful message that still needs to be heard:

She stresses the importance of self-care, no matter what: Near the end of 2013, she admitted to feeling “exhausted - like I was dying." Unfortunately, whether it's the rise to stardom or the stress that comes along with school, work, or just growing up in general, exhaustion seems to be fairly common these days amongst youth and adults alike. Lady Gaga has dedicated herself to recalibrating her soul, that is, looking after herself. Want some tips on managing stress, building healthy relationships, and more? Check out the Born This Way Foundation's page on Self-Care.

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