Lady Gaga: An icon since 2008. She is a woman of many styles and some may say personalities but besides her outrages outfits and random remarks she has some traits and a loving soul. Whether you may know these about her or not, here are some reasons as to why Lady Gaga is actually a pretty remarkable human being.
1. She's adaptable
Lady Gaga has explored many different areas of music and has performed them all extremely well. She also proves she can act too by starring in "American Horror Story"
2. She's an advocate
Lady Gaga is an advocate for many groups and is known for her social activism and philanthropic work. She has supported LGBTQ communities and has even created an organization called "Born This Way" that combats bullying among youth.
3. She dropped out of college
You may think "how does this make her amazing?" Yes, dropping out of school is highly discouraged, but she shows that it is o.k. to drop out of school if it isn't for you and you have other passions. It shows she is human too, and that life doesn't always go as society plans.
4. She works hard
There is a reason Lady Gaga has earned 6 Grammy awards, 3 Brit awards, 1 Golden Globe award, 13 MTV Music Video awards, and among others. Ever since dropping out of college she has worked hard to make a name for herself and one that is positive.
5. She knows her voice
Lady Gaga is a strong believer in playing around with vocals, but keeping it in her range. She believes hits can still be created with just a piano and not all that auto-tune. It's what makes her music authentic, and the fact she can get people excited without the crazy vocals proves it works for her.
6. She's not afraid to be herself
GiphyIt's blatantly obvious Lady Gaga has a unique style, especially a style that is constantly changing and pushing boundaries. The wonderful thing about this however, is that she doesn't let other's opinions get in the way. She purely is herself and does what she wants to do.
7. She's taken a stand against bullying
Not only has she created her foundation "Born This Way" to combat bullying in youth, but she has proved to be stronger than her own bullies. Critics have constantly judged her for literally everything she does. Through her words and actions she has proved that there will be people that try to bully your, but you have to be the bigger person and don't give them the attention they are just asking for.
8. She has said some of the most inspirational comments
GiphyLady Gaga has had some extremely inspirational comments such as the following:
"We need fantasy to survive because reality is too difficult."
"Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner."
"You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at your because you're all the same."