Every movie, song and TV show seem to focus on love.
Relatives continuously ask when you're going to get a boyfriend, your Friday nights consist of third wheeling and you get on Bumble exclusively to reaffirm that someone out there still thinks you're attractive. Whereas these are all somewhat miserable interactions, being single can be fun and you should embrace it while you can.
Here are 8 things you should do while you are still single.
1. Do what is best for you
Relationships involve a lot of compromise, but if you're single you can do whatever you want. Want to quit your job? Do it! Travel with your friends? Bon voyage! You are single. Whatever you do only affects YOU. Do what your little heart desires because the second you're in a relationship the likelihood of you being able to do that is slim to none.
2. Treat yo self
Just because you're single doesn't mean you can't treat yourself. Have a date night just for you. Go to your favorite restaurant, go see that movie you've been wanting to watch, get a massage! There isn't a requirement to have a boyfriend to do those things.
3. Focus on work/school
A relationship takes a lot of energy. When you're single you can channel that extra energy into school or work. Making an A in a class that is mega hard or excelling in your workplace is much more rewarding than you might think. Plus, it makes you kind of bad ass.
4. Get a puppy
Puppies are cute. Puppies are entertaining. Puppies make you smile. If you need a hiking buddy, a cuddle buddy or just a buddy in general then get a puppy. I got one last summer and he is my best friend. We do everything together. Who needs a boyfriend when you have a dog?
5. Get in shape
Revenge bawd where you at? I recently started eating healthy and working out consecutively (who am I?) and it makes me so proud of myself. It is important to take care of your body, and extra endorphins never hurt anybody.
6. Travel with your friends
There's nothing more fun than traveling cool places with your best friends. Go to Greece or Australia, you don't even have to leave the country, go to Vegas! The memories you make you will hold onto forever.
7. Buy yourself flowers
Send yourself flowers at work, pick up flowers for yourself while grocery shopping, buy a new plant. Flowers don't have to come from only boyfriends. Having a fresh bouquet changes the mood of an entire room.
8. Fall in love with yourself
This is the most important one of all. Fall in love with your strengths and weaknesses. Fall in love with the quirks that make you who you are. Love yourself enough to know what you deserve and don't settle for less. Embrace being single while you can and LOVE it.