Something I been contemplating for a few weeks now is how we describe ourselves on a day-to-day basis with very negative comments about ourselves. As high school students, we have many distractions and disturbances to create an image on our minds that we are less than others to some extent. Haven't we ever told our friends some negative thoughts we had about ourselves or our lives?
Something along the lines of "I am going to fail that test tomorrow" or "I will never pass this class."
Why should we bring ourselves down or think of such a thought?
Negative speech vibes not only build pressure amongst ourselves to notice our imperfections but also mask over our gleaming qualities. Yes, you may not be the best as math, but you can be the best writer ever known. Yes, you can't cook even if your life depended on it, but you have the determination to build up one of your weakness into a strength. Go get your spatula, and take cooking courses to help guide you in your path.
Now, before all of you come at me and say, "This philosophy is great and all, but this is the real world. Your ideas don't mesh well with the harsh truth," let me ask you: is it the harsh truth?
Do you really believe that you failed in life or you're less than someone else? I presume not. Then why are you tricking your mind by saying so?
I don't see the purpose of telling someone that you failed the race when you're still in it. I don't see it as less of achievement to be second place than first. And I don't see why being happy with who we are is not an option in this world at times.
If we convince ourselves enough that we are less than someone, then we can fall into a deep whirlpool of anxiety and depression. Yes, you may think what you're saying is a joke, but saying something enough can eventually make you feel that way. The practice of self-love is not very present in our society because loving ourselves comes off as egotistical at times. There is a difference in thinking yourself as the only one who matters and understanding your purpose in this world.
So I really suggest that we go to a mirror and hone into our intuition about ourselves. What do you see in the mirror? Is it someone strong and resilient or someone who defies norms? Whoever you may be in the mirror is a reflection of how you feel on the inside. Then take a sticky note, write something to make you feel good or an important value you cherish, and place it in the mirror. This can help us sense who we are and understand ourselves to a deeper extent.
I hope sharing this practice with you can brighten your day and may help you stop having negative thoughts about yourself or your standing in your life.