College is an experience full of temptation, social pressures and not-so-smart choices. While you may think you have it all under control and can withstand what life swings at you, it is important to know that willpower is key. Self control is a flaky trait that, if not used often, results in stupid decisions, regrets and maybe a little bit of danger. Your subconscious may be beating you down and telling you "no" while your friends are slowly but surely pressuring you to say "yes". It is a mind game that you have to master. Do I drink the night before my final? Should I text the guy that screwed me over? Will this drug make me cool?
Lacking self control is dangerous. It provides you temporary pleasure but leaves you with long-term pain, remorse or regret. It bites you in the ass and all you can do is beat yourself up, wishing you didn't give in. From past research, it is said that self control is a limited resource; there is only so much you can manage without external influences altering your decisions. But how can you combat these decisions that test your willpower?
Plan for temptation. It is so crucial to know your environment and to prepare accordingly. I have been there many times--drank when I shouldn't and talked to someone when I knew it wasn't benefiting me in any way. You have to be aware of moments like these considering that they tend to creep up on you when you least expect it, blinding you and leaving you vulnerable.
Stay true to who you are. It's always healthy to reassure yourself of who you are and what you believe. If you have "life guidelines," run through them. Make sure you are confident in yourself. I have been in many circumstances where I doubt myself and let others make decisions for me.
Distract yourself. This strongly applies to parties. When you feel the urge to lose willpower, immediately think of something else in which to engage. Getting your mind off of the matter will allow you to make rational decisions. When you obsess over something or someone, your mind creates a false reality. Keep distance and know that time helps gain self-discipline.
Don't beat yourself up. No matter what the circumstance, you will be okay! Everyone has been there and made poor decisions. Failure is how you learn and from that you can gain more self control than you ever had before. It's a learning experience and you will know to act different next time.
Self control is something you don't realize you have until it's gone. You have to think positively and always know that you create your own successes and failures. The cards are in your hand. Play them right and you will never doubt yourself.