When you see Cole and Savannah LaBrant you likely focus on their to-die-for relationship, their beautiful daughter, Everleigh, and their blessing on the way.
Maybe you also see their success with social media as a career and their sweet Cali life. When we're on the outside looking in it might seem as if they have a perfect life. But, that isn't necessarily the truth.
There is more to them than the highlight reel that we see on our screens.
Now, I'm not saying that they don't have a great life.
They are living the life that God has planned and prepared them for and it is so beautiful to watch. It wasn't always this way for them though. There was a long path to get to the place where they are now and it wasn't a walk in the park. I feel like it's so easy for us to look past people who are famous or successful and write them off as perfect human beings who have no problems.
We forget that these people have stories too, and their stories matter.
There is more to the person than the fame and success and the likes and followers and the subscribers and shares and so on.
Savannah and Cole have a wonderful, God-centered, loving relationship, but Savannah hasn't always had that great of a relationship with men. As a child, she witnessed her mother and father divorce. In high school, she had her heart broken and was mistreated by boyfriends and she became a young, single mother in college.
Cole is a man of God and grew up in church but went through a period of time when he watched his mother struggle with her faith and that can be difficult and confusing to deal with.
They long-distance dated, both on opposite sides of the country, for months before they were able to be close enough to see each other every day. And these are just tidbits of a lifelong story that we don't see on the media, but they still matter.
In their new book, Cole and Savannah open up about their lives before and after their relationship, the good and the bad.
They also tell about their totally crazy first encounter and how their relationship came to be. It's so raw and real and you really get to know them deeper than what we know from their social media profiles, that's what I really like about it.
The success and the fame, yeah sure that is a big part of their life, but if you take the time to get to know their story you see that there is so much more to who they are and what they do.
Image Credit: Cole LaBrant on Instagram