In our society it has become a common thing to give every individual a label. Genius, gay, psychological disorder, black or white, American. Everything is judged, labeled and then treated accordingly. Labels, like for example brand labels in the grocery store are used to organize and place food items in their proper places. Labeling a human or situation is not the same as labeling a simple can of soup. Humans are intricate processes of thought, feelings and a whole purpose which cannot just be placed under one label, one stigma. When we as a society place a label on an individual or situation, we are now also placing a stigma or expectation that comes along with that label that cannot address the amount of details that makes up a human or situation.
2016 should be a year of forward thinking, innovation and growth for this world. This year is already not living up to its labels, and people are confused. Every year we become more intelligent, whether it is has to do with understanding our own bodies, our Earth, new technological advances. Except it seems that the main focus of this year has been segregation, murder, war and is Trump actually happening. The United States is home to nearly one-third of the worlds mass shootings. The country that I call home, the country all of you call home, "land of the free," has nearly one-third of the worlds mass shootings. Just let that settle in. When people say this is the best country to live in, I can't help but question if they actually pay attention to what is actually happening in this country. What makes this country so great if it is known for mass shootings? I blame this on labels. Ever since the 1800s when this was the country for everyone else in the world to come to and prosper, to make a name for their own family, this country was labeled the greatest. And now America is not living up to the expectations that come with its own label and America does not know how to deal with it. Why are changes not being made, why are gun laws even being discussed, why do we have five percent of the worlds population and 31 percent of all public mass shootings? Why are these questions not being asked, why isn't anyone doing anything?
Every time we create a label we put up another wall in between our country. Why did someone have to make a law for gays to get married, love is love. Why is their a need for black and white communities in a country? Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page? Why are innocent people dying? Why has "Another mass shooting in...." become a common headline to wake up to every morning? Why is there so much violence?
Women should not feel threatened to speak out about men abusing their rights, and their bodies. Blacks should not feel threatened to walk the streets that are shared by cops. Gays should not feel threatened to love. Cops should not be afraid to do their job. And most importantly as a country we should not feel threatened by one another that at any second the other could pull out a gun because you stand up for what you believe in.
We need to stop blaming every one for everything, labeling every situation as black vs. white, gay vs. straight, Democratic vs. Republican. No one can settle for believing that this country is the best country to live in anymore. You aren't doing yourself, the people or this country justice by settling for that.
This is simply not politics anymore. This is not Hillary vs. Trump. This is not pro gun vs. anti gun. This is Americans against Americans, spilling another mans blood. Any act of violence is war, any act of war is terrorism and America is at war.