Why do we specify everything? When we do not agree with actions, choices, and lifestyle, why do we feel the need to paint targets on a person's back with labels pinpointing everything they do, everything they are, and everything they stand for?
Hashtags are a constant reminder of the turmoil erupting in our society. We think it is necessary to label every event, tragedy, belief system, and so much more. From #blacklivesmatter, #alllivesmatter, #gaypride, #straightpridemonth, and so many more hashtags, it causes society to continuously think in a negative manner.
Social media is a major part of everyone's life, in fact, it affects people who don't even have a social media profile, because of it being broadcast on news and radio stations. We feel a compelling need to post on social media every bad thing that happens, and continue to discuss it for weeks, months, and years on end. It begins to pile up event after event, and so called "patterns" begin to form, causing a domino effect of "discrimination" and "stereotyping." We, as a society, create an atmosphere, where it is impossible to escape the day to day tragedy.
Before the constant need of checking social media and the media's constant warping of the truth, the bad news was delivered once or twice on the news, and then it was left alone.
Its become hard to discern between what we see and what's the news. People could go on with their lives and focus on positive things, instead of fixating on world turmoil. Now it is seen on social media 24/7, broadcast on the news for weeks on end. No one gets a break, not society, not the reporters, not the persons involved with the so called event.
I'm not saying it's not important to be informed on what goes on in the world we call home, I am, however, saying that we should not fixate on the negative, I think it is great to take a stand, but don't make it something it's not. If we focus on the positive, and create positive moments and events, society will repair itself. The more positive aspects we send into the world the more of them that will come out of it.
Have your peaceful protests, stand up for what you believe, fight against what is wrong, but don't stop there. Create something so wonderful and positive that the media HAS to cover it, that it has its own hashtag, so it goes viral. Make that what the world fixates on so much that it covers up all the negativity in the universe.
Yes, I know it's a big task, but if we all try WE CAN DO IT!
As they say one person may not be able to make a huge difference, but if everyone made a small difference we would have a HUGE result.
Aesop said, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."