We're all more alike than we think.
I had the very enlightening experience of participating in a discussion with arts and science students at my university: we had a discussion about our so called very different fields and lives, and found that the truth was quite the opposite.
Yes, they work in a lab, we work in a studio or on a stage.
They study organisms, electrons, and many other things I'm not all too familiar with, while we study texts and how to bring them to life, to share them with others.
They are doctors of the body, we are doctors of the soul.
But – we are all working to help others.
We all have to be creative in our endeavors, in order to find a solution to our problems in a way that no one else has done before.
We all have to use experimentation and creativity in our projects.
We all have to sacrifice aspects of our lives in order to pursue what we love.
We wouldn't do what we do, if we didn't think we could affect the world more positively with our works...
...That is what brings us together.
It is something that goes back to the high school days – the jocks vs. nerds vs. theater kids vs. the goth kids etc. We grow up and we move on, but in some ways, those labels can stay with us.
Sometimes, when we learn what a person studies or where they work, we can automatically think we have nothing in common in them, and you go into a conversation knowing it will soon end.
Of course, that isn't always the case, but it does happen, and it shouldn't.
We have a lot more in common with each other than we think, and a lot more that we can say to one another.
Imagine what we could do if we forgot the differences of our labels, and talked to each other about our goals and our struggles — our similarities.
These labels don't just pertain to educational matters – as we hear every day – we need to delete judgements based on labels of race, class, sexuality, and any other one I'm sure you have seen recently.
We are all people, we are all trying to make a difference and live a full life. When you think of those aspects, there are endless possibilities to relate to one another.
Imagine a world where we all can connect – try to make that happen today.