Selection Two: Spencer Croce
Part Two:
This set of photographs displays the acquaintance I know who is quite knowledgeable in terms of technology in which he seems like a guy who has good a head on his shoulders.
and admiring the aura from it…
spirit in front of them…
for more comfort…
in their lives…
it seems like he enjoys the view…
Photograph Seven: The shadow seems to be creeping in with the changing weather as well…
Photograph Eight: Contemplating about the overall day that he has had and what is going to happen next…
Photograph Nine: It seems like he found an idea of an activity for the rest of the day…
Photograph Ten: Enjoying the wonderful weather that he has experienced so far in this event...
Words from Spencer Croce:
"I like the balcony because it's one the best views of the mountains on campus, with the trees obscuring the city below."
The Overall Experience:
The experience with shooting this set of photographs was interesting to say the least because Spencer Croce is a natural minded person who separates the human society away from the natural aspect of the Earth. I did not have to direct him on his positions in the photograph because the spacious area he was surrounded with was quite enough for him to be himself and attack the project with a broad smile.
The directions of where the sun was, helped the setting of this shoot where it could tell the viewer of the photographs where it was and how it played its part in creating a wide amount of moments for contrast in the photographs. He was getting a great sense of viewing the mountain from afar which is his interest at the moment of his life where he seems to be inclined to be around pine trees rather than other human beings.
The overall shoot was a success and felt refreshing to be on higher elevation rather than being on flat plains where everyone walks on. It gave me a great perspective on how he looks at the world today and what Spencer see his eyes.