If UW-L Dorms Were Hogwarts Houses
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If UW-L Dorms Were Hogwarts Houses

Who says Wisconsin students can't be wizards?

If UW-L Dorms Were Hogwarts Houses

La Crosse is far from Hogwarts, but many of us still live and breathe the world of Harry Potter. I constantly hear students bringing J.K. Rowling's books into normal conversation and see people walking around in Harry Potter themed apparel. This years' Res life games were Harry Potter themed and Eagle Hall even puts on a "Wizard themed" event every sunday night, in order to do Hogwarts themed activities and watch one of the beloved movies. Since UW-L has such a strong Potter presence, it got me wondering which dorms would belong to which Hogwarts houses. With 10 residence dorms on campus, this list wasn't easy, but this is my best estimate of who would represent who.

1. Angell Hall: Hufflepuff

Angell Hall is often forgot about, but the students who live there show immense pride and carry friendly attitudes. Angell is full of good hearts and big dreams.

2. Coate Hall: Slytherin

Coate Hall is the best freshman dorm. It's separated from other dorms on campus, so these students stick together. They know how to have fun and keep the RA's on their toes. Coate Hall is full of many secrets, not to go as far as the "Chamber of secrets" but there have been rumors of secret hiding places, creepy dolls hidden in crevices, and even ghosts lurking the halls. The students occupying the dorm embrace Coate for all it is, and are happy to call it home.

3. Drake Hall: Slytherin

If you go in the front lobby of Drake Hall, you will see a giant "Draco Malfoy" banner handing by the front desk. With this decoration, Drake Hall can be no other than a Slytherin dorm. This hall is always one of the first to fill up, with its prime location in the middle of campus. Of course, this hall also is full of drama, earning it the Slytherin name.

4. Eagle Hall: Ravenclaw

If you decide to live in Eagle, you are definitely a smart cookie. The hall has elevators, suite style rooms, and AIR CONDITIONING. The heat even runs without sounding like the system is going to collapse at any minute. This building is nice, just like the students inside.

5. Hutchinson Hall: Ravenclaw

Many upperclassmen choose to live in Hutch, and they feel superior to the freshmen bumbling around the halls. The location is in the middle of campus, which is smart. The hall even has a large crayon box themed basement, which is perfect for studying and tackling homework.

6. Laux Hall: Gryffindor

To live on the Laux side of campus, you have to be brave. It's far from the academic buildings, rec center, and most importantly the food. To agree to be an RA in this dorm you also have to be brave. As all the residents are freshmen, this dorm is sure to supply trouble and adventures.

7. Reuter Hall: Slytheirn

Reuter Hall is the nicest dorm on campus. It really isn't even a dorm, but an on campus apartment. Residents get their own rooms, kitchens, and living rooms. While the dorm doesn't view "the black lake", it does offer a beautiful scenery of Grandad's Bluff and Veterans Memorial field.

8. Sanford Hall: Gryffindor

Sandford Hall is the only traditional dorm to allow male and female students to live across from each other. One definitely has to be brave in order to put up with the opposite sex on a daily basis, let alone live across from them. This dorm also relates to Laux has the location is less than optimal. If a student wants food in the winter, they have to take the long trek to a dining hall, a very brave move.

9. Wentz Hall: Hufflepuff

Wentz is across from the theater building, so these students can be very artsy. The residents stick together, forming close bonds and friendships. This dorm is full of people who count on each other, even if that means putting up with each others quirks.

10. White Hall: Gryffindor

White Hall is one of the oldest buildings on campus. I lived here as a freshman, and the whole experience would have been a nightmare had I not been brave. The location was awful, the straight hallways are set up like government assistance housing, and the hall has a poor excuse of a game room and basement. At the same time, the residents form close bonds, sticking with each other through the crappy living situation and doing a secret hand sign whenever you see a fell "white hall eagle".

Again, this list is just my opinion. La Crosse is home of many one of a kind individuals. Just because you are in a "Gryffindor" dorm, doesn't mean you don't have Slytherin traits. The great thing about La Crosse, is we accept each other no matter your personality or house. And if you really don't like the fact that you're living in a certain house themed dorm, you can always switch to one better fit for you next year, if you really have to.

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