Kylie Jenner Warned Us And No One Listened | The Odyssey Online
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Kylie Jenner Warned Us And No One Listened

And not just about Taylor Swift, but celebrities in general.

Kylie Jenner Warned Us And No One Listened

Earlier this year, Kylie Jenner made a video for her app discussing her resolutions and predictions for 2016. She deemed it the year of “realizing stuff,” as evidenced by everyone around her “realizing things.”

I, like everyone else who had the pleasure of watching this clip, initially wrote it off as absolutely hysterical and one of the most nonsensical things I’ve ever seen. However, Kylie apparently is having the last laugh as we are only a little over halfway through 2016 and she has proven herself to be a truly prophetic omniscient.

My friends and I have experienced revelations about our goals, potential careers and newly post-grad lives in general, but that’s just the cusp of the realizations that Klairvoyant Kylie warned us about. Her half sister, Kim, delivered us the greatest realization of all on a silver platter, via Snapchat on the evening of July 17, 2016.

Of course I’m talking about the series of 10-second videos documenting a phone conversation between Kanye West and Taylor Swift, in which Kanye asks Taylor’s permission to use controversial lyrics about her in his song, “Famous.” She eagerly agrees and even thanks him for reaching out to her. Taylor released her personal statement on Instagram that she apparently had prepared for some time, in which she explains that she never approved of him calling her “that bitch,” and that that terminology has been her problem this whole time. As tempting as it is, I won’t even go into detail about how ironic and flat out hilarious her “character assassination” quip is. What is interesting is that when the song was released, her rep’s original statement denied Kanye calling Taylor for her approval.

As petty as it may be, I’m over the moon that Taylor Swift’s lies and calculated deception were exposed, and not just because it confirms what kind of person I’ve thought her to be all along. Although an unraveling of lies to this degree is an extreme example, it proves an overarching theme applicable to any star. One thing that people need to grasp, especially those who are young and impressionable, is that every single celebrity lies. Constantly. Even one painted to be America’s Sweetheart, who has remained honest, genuine and unfazed by fame. I love celebrity culture more than anyone else I know, but it’s important to understand that no matter how well we may think we know someone famous, we really don’t. Idolizing a celebrity to the point where one feels like they are almost friends only sets them up for disappointment when glimpses of their true selves that may be unfavorable are inevitably revealed.

Celebrities are people just like the rest of us, but their jobs happen to include capitalizing off of immaculately crafted images, publicity stunts, and faux romances with other celebrities cooked up in a PR office. In other words, lying. How's that for a realization, Kylie?

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