Monday Morning "Get Pumped" Playlist
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Monday Morning "Get Pumped" Playlist

Monday Morning "Get Pumped" Playlist

I don’t know about you, but I have the biggest problem with getting out of bed in the morning, especially on Mondays. It is the beginning of a new week meaning I have to get ready early in the morning for long science classes everyday of the week and endless streams of homework. But wait! There is a remedy to relieve my, and maybe your, pain of waking up in the morning; music. So I have compiled a playlist of roughly 50 songs, all of which I will not list here, but just a few that are sure you get you pumped to conquer the day and the rest of the week. I have separated them by mood (you’re welcome).


1. "Clouds," One Direction

    Yes, I started this playlist with 1D, but you have to admit they can be pretty good. I love the boys and "Clouds" is a surefire way to get me awake in the morning. The song starts with a quick riff on the electric guitar and the boys belt “clouds” in harmony to the rhythm of the song, which is guaranteed to get you jumping out of bed.

      2. "Elevate," St. Lucia

        The song slowly builds up and rolls on, getting the listener into a mellow mood. The song is truly elevating, pun intended.

          3. "Move Your Feet," Junior Senior

            Don't stop, don’t stop the feet / Won't stop, won't stop the beat and go! These are the opening lyrics, which obviously can get a person energized. As you should be, you have to go to work or school!

              4. "Better Run," Royal Bangs

                This song can make you feel like running, hence the title. The energy of the song never lets up until the end.


                1. "Lovefool" Kat Edmonson

                This is one of those songs I keep to myself as a secret because I love it so much. Kat’s rendition of The Cardigans' song is a slow, jazzy, sultry version.

                2. "Sleeping Ute," Grizzly Bear

                  This song always reminds me of some kind of Led Zeppelin song. I have no idea why. Don’t let the title fool you; the guitars will keep you focused.

                    3. "In the Open," Benjamin Francis Leftwich

                      Here is another song I keep to myself. I listened to this a lot senior year in the morning because of its airy strums of the acoustic guitar, and the light drum reminds me of sunrise.

                        4. "Midnight City," M83

                        This EDM song will definitely get you out of bed fast (without making your head spin). The singer's voice isn't too loud; it almost sounds like it's distant while the music switches between loud and soft. Midnight City is also a good song for driving or walking to class.

                          “I’m the Sh*t”

                          1. "7/11," Beyonce

                            This one is self-explanatory. If you haven’t heard/seen this song/music video, I’ll just assume you’re living under a rock. Or just not into hip-hop.

                              2. "Flawless Remix," Beyonce, Nicki Minaj

                                See above.

                                  3. "Legend," Drake

                                    See first part of Number One.

                                      4. "Peaches N Cream," Snoop Dogg, Charlie Wilson, Pharrell

                                        Snoop is back! With a new vision for his music, he asked Pharrell (who has had his hands on nearly every amazing song you’ve heard) to help him take it back to the '70s with his funky (yup) album.

                                        Leave Me Alone

                                        1. "G.O.M.D.," J. Cole

                                          Get Off My D*ck is what it stands for. The beat is just enough to get you pumped to flip the bird when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

                                            2. "Heads Will Roll," Yeah Yeah Yeahs

                                              Off with your head! What a great phrase to say to people when you want to be alone in the morning (like me). Karen O’s voice is authoritative while the rock-filled dance song keeps the listener moving.

                                                3. "Drop the World," Lil Wayne, Eminem

                                                  Off Wayne’s 2010 album, "Rebirth," he and Em vent their frustrations with an equally angry sound of hip-hop-infused rock. Definitely worth a listen.

                                                    4. "I Don’t F*ck With You," Big Sean

                                                      This is the anthem of a generation, enough said. Even the title speaks for itself.

                                                      These are just some of the songs that get me going, and I hope whoever is reading this got a boost for their mornings. The playlist is on Spotify and feel free to contact me with any songs that get you going (no country, sorry, I listen to this playlist). I'll be updating it. Here's to conquering Monday mornings!

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