We've all heard the phrase, "You're so young, you've got plenty of time to do that!" Do we really have enough time, though? Nothing in life is guaranteed so if there's something you want to do, you should go out and do it. This year, right now. For me, that thing is traveling. I don't know why, but I think it's always been my thing. Wherever I go somehow becomes a part of me and after visiting Europe four times, I'm addicted. If you've ever been outside of the country, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. For those of you who are reading this and haven't, I hope that I can persuade you to finally get yourself a passport and get going places.
1. You aren't promised tomorrow.
I know I mentioned this above, but it's the truth. People often put off traveling until they are more settled and more financially stable. Let me tell you when you get married and have a family, it is going to be so much harder to travel. You have got plenty of other things to worry about, not to mention those student loans you are probably still going to be paying off. Go now.
2. It's not as expensive as you think.
It seems the number one thing that stops most people from traveling is the cost. I suggest looking at budget airlines such as Norwegian Air and WOW Airlines. They only fly out of select U.S. cities, but you can get a round-trip to Europe for under $1,000. I've heard of several different ways to get cheap flights; the best advice I can give you is simply to do your research early and sign up for price alerts. If you can, I also recommend getting a credit card that lets you earn Sky Miles, which eventually means cheaper and possibly free flights depending on where you're going.
Plane tickets are going to be your biggest expense, so if you can get one for a good deal, you'll have more money for other essentials such as accommodations, food, etc. Saving your money now is the smartest thing you can possibly do. Let's say you save $25 each week, which is $100 a month, times 12, giving you $1200 in one year. Yes, a year may sound like a long time, but if you're patient and persistent, you can definitely save enough money. If you're saying you can't go because you can't afford it, chances are there's probably more reasons than that. Quit making excuses.
3. Traveling is actually an investment.
If you're as obsessed with quotes as I am, then you probably know the phrase, "Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer." Without a doubt, traveling changes your perception of the world. When we are younger, we see things differently and it tends to affect our personal beliefs for the rest of our lives. We learn so much when we travel and we actually remember even the smallest details. We can't choose what we remember, but when life gets boring, we start to reminisce on those little moments tucked in the back of our brains. Guess what, though? After two weeks in Thailand, you've already learned more than the average college class could cover in one semester. Also, I bet your trip was cheaper than one semester of classes. Go figure.4. It makes you appreciate what you have.
One of the things that bugs me the most is whenever I tell someone about my travel experiences and they respond with, "Wow, you are so lucky!" To me, that basically translates to, "Wow, your family must have a lot of money." This irritates me because it's far from the truth and that's not what makes me lucky. What makes me lucky is being born in a country full of opportunities and having an amazing support system. If it weren't for traveling, I would have never realized how much I take these things for granted.
In addition, most of the world relies on public transportation, which makes me grateful for the fact that I have my own car at home and can go wherever I want, whenever I want. Not knowing where you are going most of the time also makes you miss the familiarity of your hometown. With that being said, you shouldn't be discouraged, because these are the things you will come to love. After traveling to a few different countries, you will start to crave those out-of-the-ordinary experiences because you know there's so much more beyond your backyard.
5. You will learn a lot about yourself.
Traveling often puts you in stressful, unexpected and startling situations. Usually, you will have to come to a quick decision and in the heat of the moment, doing so can be pretty nerve-wracking. Since you're out of your comfort zone, your boundaries will be tested and you may even find yourself doing things you would never have imagined doing before. You may do some really stupid things if you aren't careful, but you will also accomplish some remarkable things, too.
6. Experiences are much better than material things.
After a year of saving money from each paycheck, I managed to save over $2,000 for my upcoming trip to Europe. No, I do not work at some glamorous job, I'm just a regular part-time sales associate. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't the easiest thing. The more you want it, the more motivated you are to save. Even if you don't see yourself going anywhere in the coming year, you should still start saving up for it. Eventually, you will want it more than you ever did before and you will regret not putting money away when you could have. Honestly, sitting by the Amalfi Coast in the middle of July is worth much more than that Michael Kors purse. It is to me, at least.
7. It helps you face your fears.
We hear about terrible things happening in foreign countries all the time. Female college students being kidnapped, planes mysteriously disappearing, pick-pockets -- the list goes on and on. While I'm not saying these things aren't real and possible, they should definitely not stop you from traveling. The fears I am talking about do not have to be this extreme. Maybe you fear catching the wrong train or not being able to ask for directions because of the language barrier. These are the types of things every traveler must deal with though they are especially daunting for brand new travelers. To be completely honest, you can only prepare yourself for so much. There's going to be things you aren't prepared for and that's totally fine. What matters is that you keep an open mind and stay calm, no matter how panicked you feel on the inside.
8. You will meet the most interesting people, even life-long friends.
Not that anything is wrong with your friends back home, but there's just something special about the people you meet while traveling. Some people you will only spend a day with and will probably never see again, yet they happened to be some of the coolest people you'd ever met. On the other hand, you also meet people just like you that are thousands of miles away from home. When you meet each other, something just clicks and you wonder how two people who live so far away from each other can be so similar. In addition, the people you travel with can honestly make or break your entire experience. You could be in the worst situation possible, but if you have the right people by your side, it has the potential to instantly turn into a positive life lesson. Plus, you will now have connections all over the world, which is especially amazing in the case that you ever need somewhere to stay on a future trip.
9. You will have the best stories to tell.
Remember when you got to see the exact spot where WWI started in Sarajevo, made your own Ritter Sport chocolate in Berlin or swam in crystal clear water in Croatia? I do. The memories I've made while traveling are very special to me and I love sharing them with my friends and family. I think this makes you a more unique person and believe me, people will be jealous of your adventures.
10. You will get a break from technology and realize how great it feels.
Unless you can afford an amazing international phone plan, you probably won't be using your phone as often as you normally do. I know, it sounds scary, but we use our phones as a security blanket and it prevents us from paying attention to the real world. It's weird at first because you will find yourself walking down the streets of Rome, pulling your phone out of your pocket to check Snapchat, then realizing your phone doesn't even work. We get so attached to our phones and forget to appreciate the beauty of each moment. This moment isn't going to come around again, so take it all in and savor it for as long as you can.