Remember back to when you were little in your footie pajamas and Disney Channel had their Disney movie nights featuring the new animated movies! Everyone knows Kronk voiced by Patrick Warburton and one of the most dim-witted loveable character most people will remember from "The Emperor's New Groove." I challenge you to think of how dynamic of a character he is. One of my friends kills me with his Kronk impression. Kronk is considered an antagonist of the first film, and quite honestly I think he is just a puppy in Yzma's hands as she controls him to do her bidding. He has so many skills that don't get enough credit, so I just want to take a moment to appreciate him:
His full name is Kronker "Kronk" Pepikrankenitz.
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He Can Cook
I mean, I cannot cook, and the fact he knows food is amazing! He cooks amazing looking spinach puffs and knows how to make a four-course meal. Any girl would be super lucky to have a guy who cooks so they don't have to or they have a partner to cook with, which is way better than any prince if you ask me.
He actually has an imagination
Flash a bit forward after Yzma and Kronk "killed" Kuzco, and we see him prancing through the palace to get rid of Kuzco's unconscious body. He is making his own theme song and treating it like a super secret agent mission. Passers-by witness his childish nature as he pretends to be frozen on the wall and doesn't continue until he throws Kuzco over the wall into the stream leading to a waterfall, which leads into our next point...
He has a conscience
After the bag containing the poor llama emperor is heading to its door, Kronk's shoulder angel and devil arrive on the scene. It is the only moment I can think of where we see the inner struggle of good vs. bad in Disney. It is the one moment where if the movie just lets Kuzco go over the cliff, the movie would've ended and it would have been one dark Disney movie. Not Black Cauldron dark, but definitely not super child-friendly. The angel and devil make the moral decision to save him last minute and we see how compassionate Kronk really is.
He is super strong
Well, this is self-explanatory, to say the least. He looks like a bodybuilder. Anywho, he can lift people and things that wouldn't seem humanly possible, and he is so casual about it. He was the strongest of Disney before Mr. Incredible took that title from him in 2004!
He can talk to squirrels
OK, who can talk to squirrels in "Emperor's New Groove" other than Kronk? He has full-length conversations with one squirrel that had a run-in with Kuzco. Of course, Disney has had their characters who can talk to animals, such as Snow White and Rapunzel to name a few. It is just one more thing to love about Kronk that makes him such a great comedic character.
He can jump double dutch and is amazing with children
Ladies, isn't it super cute when guys are great with children? Pretty adorable if you ask me. So the fact he even knows double dutch is amazing!
Kronk's talents and skills are bananas! Honestly, I hope this makes you appreciate him or notice his little quirks the next time you watch "The Emperor's New Groove!" He is only one of the many characters that Disney has to offer who are dynamic and talented in many of the animated movies.