Being single can be a bittersweet experience, as we all know. Although Kristen Bell is happily married to Dax Shepherd, here is a compilation of Kristen Bell GIFs that is relatable to any girl who has experienced being single at some point in their college career.
1. When you're single and nothing is going right.
Kristen Bell hit the nail on the head with this one. Most of the time, when we go through a bad breakup or find out you just bombed a test, we drink, but there's a catch that comes with drinking your problems away. When you go to a bar and see a girl crying in the bathroom and you're both a little tipsy you tend to have a quick therapy sesh. You try to boost her up and make her feel fierce and independent
2. When a guy is flirting with you and asks "How on earth are you still single?"
You always have someone ask how you're still single
3. When you're single and you take lots of selfies, people tend to think you're a narcissist.
Hey, if me taking selfies makes me a narcissist then isn't, almost, everyone a narcissist?
4. When guys tell you that "you're the only girl" they talk to and you know for a fact that's not true.
We live in a world, in which, a hookup culture is a norm and not many college guys want a "relationship" with just one girl, but boy, will they tell you anything to make you believe you're the only girl that they're talking to. Be like Kristen Bell, don't be an idiot.
5. When your ex tries to come back into your life.
GiphyWe have all had that one ex that has tried to nestle his way back into you're life, but as Kristen Bell said, this is not TV.
6. Why some girls decide to stay single.
GiphyI see where Kristen Bell is coming from here, I got hurt once and it was not fun! This is to the girls that have been hurt one too many times...Don't give up, just live your best single life and stay away from the "fuckboys"
7. When you're about to go out and you have to give yourself that one last wink.
Self-confidence is key, love yourself and the rest will come! Also, it's nice to dress up and go out, so live it up while you're single.
8. When you're out minding your own business and a creepy guy hits on you.
When you're out having fun with your girls and living your best single life, there's always that one guy that has to ruin it and hit on you.
9. When a guy tries to use a pick up line to make a pass at you.
When you're out minding your own business and a guy comes up to you with a pick up line and you brush him off and he takes it as you not "picking up, what he was laying down" so he just comes out and and says what he means
10. When you're single and you can't even like a picture that a guy posts without getting a DM right away.
This is a big one ladies, am I right or is there just some secret rule that I don't know about? I can't even scroll through my Instagram feed and like a picture of a dog or a beach without that being taken as "I'm into you" or "I want to sleep with you".
11. When you're single and on you're on your millionth bad date.
GiphyWe've all been on a bad date or two whether it be with a mutual friend, some guy from tinder, or bumble, but it's happened, oh boy, has it happened...and it's enough to ruin dating forever. Might as well go to the animal shelter and get a few cats now.
12. When you're single and the guys that try talking to you are not working out.
When you decide to ghost all guys who try talking to you because none of them are worth your time and they don't understand when you tell them you aren't interested
13. When you're single and the only guys that are interested in you are guys you aren't interested in.
It never fails, this is how it is ladies, now, why is that? Don't give up, keep living that fabulous single life and don't stop until someone sweeps you off your feet.
14. When you decide you'd rather be single because all college guys are dense.
GiphyWell, hopefully when they become men, it'll be better, but until then let's just have some fun and don't hold your breath.
15. When you thought there wasn't anymore decent available guys left in the world and a decent guy waltz into your life.
Although they're hard to come by, decent guys do exist, but like I said they're rare, so proceed with caution.
16. When you go on a date with a decent guy, you're actually into him, AND it was a really good date.
GiphyIs it a dream or reality? It's a miracle if this happens and it may take some time to wrap your head around.
17. When you're leaving the date with a decent guy trying to convince him that you're the best.
That date that went well with the decent guy that you like is over, but before y'all part ways you want to leave one last good impression so that he will text you later that night wanting to see you again.