Kourtney Kardashian is a mother, a sister, and an all around badass. If you have not heard who she is, I am sure you have heard of any one of her sisters, most likely Kim Kardashian. Although many find the Kardashians overrated, or famous for nothing, you still find an interest in following what they do in their lives. But I'm saying look out for Kourtney Kardashian, she has a striking personality you might want to pay attention to.
She doesn't have any shame in who she is.
She is perfectly fine with being weird in any setting.
She is confident in herself.
What is confidence if you are not in love with yourself?
She isn't afraid to call anyone out.
You do not want to get on her bad side.
She gets out of situations she doesn't want to be in
She doesn't beat around the bush, she just really doesn't want to be there.
If it's not worth her time, she will let you know.
Did you really say something if she didn't acknowledge it?
She feels good about herself without makeup.
I mean, let's be real here, she doesn't need makeup anyway.
She's professional, but completely honest.
Once again, don't get on her bad side.
She's not afraid to have a little fun with her sisters.
"Let's get weird."
You can probably relate to her in every way.
Doesn't everyone feel like this every once in a while?