The Koch Brothers are everything that is wrong with our government. They have spent millions trying to buy control of Congress. They attack workers rights. They have attempted to suppress votes in past elections. Currently, the Koch Brothers are going after a small town library in Plainfield, Illinois. The town of Plainfield has plans to raise taxes for a bigger and better library. Then big interests and the Koch Brothers got involved. They believe that any tax raise is a bad even if it benefits the community. They began spreading false information and tried to convince people that the library is a bad idea. This was all happening while eyes were on the election and as a result, they won.
This is exactly what is wrong with our government. Big interests with special agendas get involved with small town politics with no regard as to how their agenda affects the citizens. As someone who reads almost obsessively, I felt slightly empowered by this. Why would the Koch Brothers be threatened by a girl who weighs a hundred pounds and complains if a door is too heavy? Like I said, because I read. Books encourage freedom of thought. One of the best things that my parents did for me was that they encouraged freedom of thought. They weren't mad when I told them that I'm a different political party then they are. They were happy that I was getting involved in politics.
This situation makes people wonder if the world we live in parallels with the world in the book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. For those of you don't know, the society in Fahrenheit 451 burns books and puts different and unique thoughts in cages. To give you a harsh reality check, here's similarities between our world and the world Ray Bradbury envisioned.
-People are obsessed with TV and technology.
-Electronic surveillance. Bradbury worries it will be abused.
-Bradbury also envisioned electronic banking machines. This bears a striking resemblance to ATMs.
-Bradbury also explored artificial intelligence and how it can be abused.
The bigger crime isn't that politicians are trying to get rid of books. The crime that really matters is that people don't read. I cant tell you how many times I have been told that reading is stupid, boring, etc. Granted, the people who usually tell me this are pretty dumb themselves.
Benefits of reading:
-Just six minutes of reading, reduces stress by 60%. Which is also more than listening to music, walking, drinking tea, or playing video games.
-Reading expands your vocabulary, develops your analytical skills, enhances ability to focus, and is an effective memory booster.
Children who pleasure read gain insights into:
-Mature relationships
-Personal values
-Cultural identity
-Physical safety and security
-Aesthetic preferences
-An understanding of the physical world.
How to read more:
-Throw your phone into the ocean. Or just keep it on airplane mode and leave it in a different room.
-Carry a book with you at all times. If you're on Pinterest, make an entire board dedicated to book recommendations.
-Make a To-Be-Read book list.
-Make a rule that if you aren't enjoying a book by page number _____, stop immediately and find a different book.
-Seize the little moments and read. Try the moments when you're waiting at the doctors office, the dentist, riding on public transportation, lunch break, or make it a habit to read an hour before bed.
-Get a journal and list all books you read and if you enjoyed them or not. This will give people an idea of what books you're into.
In a world where you are harshly judged to have unpopular opinions, reading books that will make you more open-minded is a dangerous act. I know some people are going to call me a hypocrite for typing this on an electronic device, I just want you to know I'm typing this at my local library. I come to this library regularly and and am a regular customer. In fact, when I was reading books from home and hadn't been there in two weeks, they called to make sure I was okay. I turn my phone on silent and use this as a safe haven to study because I know my family wont bug me here, buy donated books from them, type my articles here, and borrow and return books. I encourage non-readers to give reading a try. It might seem boring at first, but to me after a few minutes of reading, the words disappear and I'm transported to a different world. All you need is to find the right book.