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10 Criminally Underrated Bands

These bands have so much talent and produce so much great music that they deserve more recognition and publicity than they are getting

10 Criminally Underrated Bands

I'm a guy who's always searching around for new music to listen to, so I've been digging around for the past couple years and found some bands that I've never heard of before, but their music is truly something special. So, here's a list of bands who I think are criminally underrated.


There is only one other person that I've ever met who has heard of Bearings, just to justify my case with them. Every one of there songs is engaging and energized and their choruses are always powerful. Each song of theirs consistently tells a story that is relatable for most everyone, both good times and bad and even a mixture of both. Honestly, I didn't hear of these guys until a little over a month ago, and now I'm obsessed with them.

Knuckle Puck

Knuckle Puck's melodies and rhythm are completely unmatched by anyone else's in their genre. I like to think of them as having that "Led-Zeppelin" attribute. They don't sound like Led Zeppelin, but the thing Led-Zeppelin had that Knuckle Puck has is that each piece (guitar, bass, drums, and vocals) matches together so nicely with each member's individual styles that each song is unique. The creativity that each member of the band expresses is incredible. For me, if I had to listen to just one band the rest of my life it would be Knuckle Puck.


Turnover is an odd case because they've changed their sound a lot over time with each album they produce. Some of their songs are fast-paced and hard-hitting, while most of their newer music is sort of smoother and softer while still providing their signature poetic lyrics and that organic Indie sound that we're all familiar with. Whether you're into that genre or not is unimportant, trust me, they're worth a listen.

Trophy Eyes

Trophy Eyes is awesome! Plain and simple. They recently came out with a new album that is different from their older stuff, but nonetheless, it is still the emotional, and heavy Trophy Eyes that they've always been.

The Amity Affliction

This band basically defined the metalcore genre, and if you're into that then this is the band for you! If not then feel free to keep scrolling. Or if you're willing to try new things then I highly recommend giving them a listen. This band has the right balance of heaviness and melody to make each song sound great, but without having each song sound the same. Safe to say, you'll never be bored listening to The Amity Affliction's music.

Modern Baseball

Modern Baseball is the type of band that'll make you feel nostalgic about anything when listening to them. Their songs are really relatable and just fun to jam out to, but the bottom line is just this band is a bunch of guys who have fun making music, and that's really what it's all about.

Moose Blood

Moose Blood has that sort of distorted "chill rock" vibe to their songs that is not really seen a lot anymore. Their songs range from fast-paced to slower, and their signature chorus lines will get you hooked every time. It's kind of hard to describe why they are so good because they have that certain unique sound that is special to only them. Truly a unique band, and really worth the listen.

Catfish and The Bottlemen

Their name is pretty ridiculous, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they are just good ole' leather jacket wearing, thick and wavy hair having, British Indie rock at its finest. If you like The Kooks, then you'll love these guys.


Citizen is definitely that'll hit you in your feels. Their music videos may not make a whole lot of sense, but they still sound amazing. Each song is so emotional, whether it be their heavier or softer music, the combination of distorted and clean melodies blends together nicely to create some real good music. Definitely worth looking into.

The Front Bottoms

The Front Bottoms is one of the most poetic bands that I've listened Every one. Their music is so simple, but put together in such a passionate way that is almost unmatched. The melodies and lyrics that they come up with are astonishing and completely blow my mind from their creativity and passion that they put into their craft. They are truly unique in the sense that I guarantee that you will never hear another band that can match their sound or put together a song quite like they do.

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