Worth. It is a word that is defined in many different ways. Some people define their worth by how much money they make or the status of their job. Others define it by the amount of people that they impact and the relationships that they have made. Furthermore, some of the members of my generation may find their worth in the amount of likes they get on an instagram photo or the views on their blog. May or may not have just fired a shot of shade at myself, but regardless for some people it is very true! Every person finds a part of their worth in something worldly at one point in their life or another. This can lead to the destruction of the view of their worth due to the shaky foundation of worldly things.
So, let's talk more about this shaky foundation concept. The world is full of many wonderful things that were created by God to bring us joy, excitement, laughter, and much more! There are so many blessings that The Lord gives on a day to day basis that are meant for us to partake in. These blessings could take the form of a dream job, an awesome spouse, a beautiful home, caring friends/family, or really anything that is a positive in life. Everything listed above is so great, but what happens when we put our worth in it? What if you lose that dream job, or your spouse walks out on you, or your beautiful home catches on fire, or your friends and family abandon you? Hopefully none of these things ever happens, but if they do the thing that you put your worth in is gone. Do you remember my post from two weeks ago about How To Be Content With Being Single? Well if you didn't read it, to put it quite simply I found my worth in the status of my relationship (a non-existent relationship lol). The article basically talked about how I didn't feel whole or content with myself due to my singleness. It really jacked up my whole outlook on life and made me feel worthless.
Do you sometimes feel worthless? Maybe it is only every once in a while or maybe it is an every day occurrence, but regardless I'm here to tell you that you are worth more than you think you are. That statement is true for even the most secure people in the world. 'How am I worth more' you ask? Well, I have two handy steps that will help you realize this worth. First, think about the places you may find your worth that are shaky, worldly foundations. For me, I sometimes struggle with putting my worth in my success in tennis, or in the grades I get in school (Again, these are good things with the right perspective). For you it could be things completely different (popularity, being liked, achieving awards, etc.) or similar to mine, but the important thing is that you identify the place where you put your worth. Second, what if I told you there was a firm foundation where you could put your worth and it would never waver or change. A foundation where your worth is at a maximum. Wouldn't you want to take advantage of this foundation? No more questioning if you are good enough, no more fear that your worth could change, and no more turning to a foundation that ends up destroyed. This place of your true worth is in Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross.
Think about this for a second: The son of God who was perfect gave up his life so that we could live a life free from all the bondage of sin and become alive in him. Every one of us has sinned, and therefore we deserved that death on the cross, but Jesus took all of God's wrath that was meant for us. So what are you worth you ask? You are worth so much that God would give his own son a death sentence in order to set you free from anything that you have done. No more bondage, no more sacrifices of animals like in the old testament, no more worrying that you aren't good enough. Jesus's sacrifice was sufficient, and is sufficient for eternity. He is the firm foundation where our worth is unimagineable. One of the most popular verses in The Bible, John 3:16 is simple, but beautiful as it states, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (NIV). All we have to do is put our trust in him and God will do the rest.
No matter what you have done or what your past consists of, you are worth the sacrifice. God made you beautifully and took the time to create you in your mother's womb (kinda gross, but awesome!). He isn't worried where your heart was, but instead where your heart is now and where it continues to go. Find your worth in him and I promise you will feel full:)
More references in The Bible about what God says about your worth are listed below:
Psalm 139:13-15
Jeremiah 29:11
1 Corinthians 10:13
Hebrews 13:5
Romans 5:8