There are moments in life when you feel absolutely powerless. Anything that could possibly go wrong, does, and all you can do is sit there and watch it happen. Those times suck, and it's difficult to acknowledge that you're caught in a tailspin of disastrous events, which seem to pop up for no apparent reason and knock you on your butt. Those are the moments when we are confronted with undesirable truths and the decisions that seem impossible. That's when we decide what is truly important and where our focus should be.
For me, I seem caught in one of those stages in life where things just aren't going right. As I type and feel my dog licking my feet at the end of the bed, I have a calm sense that things will be okay and I hope anyone else in my position knows they're going to be okay too. Sometimes you have to cling to the small things, to that tiny glimmer of hope in your heart because without it you'll fall into a hole of desperation and discontentment.
You weren't meant to live feeling defeated or unhappy. Circumstances and events may be out of your control, but you have the power to rise above them. Some of the greatest blessings in life stem from the things you thought were falling apart. Most the time, greater things were falling into place. Take a moment to breathe when you're knocked down, but have the courage and the faith to stand up, shake it off, and keep venturing into a better, brighter future.
I know that's easier said than done, but get yourself into the habit of staying positive. Even if the highlight of your day is cuddling with your pet, online shopping, or having a moment to binge watch Netflix, at least you had a highlight. Nothing dramatically wonderful has to happen for it to be a good day, it all just depends on your attitude.
Everyone has a fighter within them, even the quietest person. Decide to triumph over the disappointment, the anger, even the sadness. You already know from experience those feelings are temporary, but your character is permanent. Life isn't always pleasant and things don't always go as planned, but the great thing to take away from not having control of your circumstances is knowing you always have power over yourself.
So, try to remind yourself that no situation is permanent, successes will bless you once again, and life will continue on with its ebbs and flows. Discover the fighter in you, the one that will decide to take control over their outlook and have the power to rise above disappointments, the world will keep spinning regardless.