When someone or something you love starts to become taxing on you, it can be hard to know when to call it quits. When your life revolves around a person, place, or thing it can be scary to break out of that comfort zone. The unknown is scary and that is just how life goes, it's embedded in our human nature. You can either face fear with open arms or crumble under the pressure; however, I guarantee that what lays beyond that wall you've built is much more inviting than what you have now. The great thing about growing up is that you get to choose who you surround yourself with. It seems like after high school you build a bubble; you aren't forced to be with the same people every day and that's an amazing but big responsibility. It can be hard to find a balance of being alone and getting things done but also having a social life and a support system. Your "people" should lift you up and make you better, not anything less. So that's what I mean by knowing when to let go. If someone or something is holding you back from expanding your horizons and growing, then it is time to let go.
A friend.
Be aware of who gets happy for your success and who doesn't. If your happiness makes someone angry or distant. It is time to let go. If your success or plans offend someone, it is time to let go. Be protective of yourself and be cautious with who gets to have a part of it. Be aware of the actions of those that you surround yourself with and be aware of your own. Lack of confidence often leads to judgment and jealousy which can hinder your relationship with another person and if you are that person here is a reminder that another persons' success doesn't take away from your own.
A significant other.
If the relationship is day in and day out an unfulfilling job, let go. Your partner should understand your wants, needs, and desires. They should know who you were, who you are, and who you want to become. They should know you and respect that while simultaneously understanding they are, and will always, be learning about you. Demand respect. Know your worth. Know what you have to offer. Do not settle.
A hobby.
When it is a job and not an activity of enjoyment. LET THAT SHIT GO. Allow yourself the freedom of trying something else. Stop caring what other people think or do. WHO CARES if you quit something. How terrible would it be to look back in X amount of years and wish you would've started or stopped something you found pleasure in. Be brave in pursuit of your passion. Be open-minded in knowing there may be more than one. Be patient while trying to find it.
A place.
I am in no way saying run away from everything that bothers you because you would never stop fleeing and that's not healthy. I am saying that it is okay to outgrow a place just as it okay to outgrow a person. Sometimes you need to turn a new leaf and go somewhere where nobody knows your name. Sometimes a new place offers more love and light and opportunity. Take that chance.