There is a tremendously big difference between being wanted and being respected, but you should always desire to be respected over being wanted. Do not forget that. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment of being wanted and desired that we forget to respect ourselves until after it's all said and done.We get more concerned with the fact that someone likes us that we forget how important it is to be valued.We allow ourselves to be mistreated in the heat of the moment because it is so nice to finally have some attention from time to time from someone.
Attention feels good as it makes us feel special and we all need it here and there. It is instant gratification. We like it when a guy comes up and flirts with us.We like being hit on in non-creepy ways because it makes us feel good about ourselves. It's a confidence booster when you're feeling low. But that is the difference between being wanted and being respected. Being respected is more difficult; it takes longer to respect a person. It takes time to learn their values and to understand why someone believes the things they do. It takes in depth conversations in order to respect someone you have to care about them on another level.
The instant gratification of being wanted you might like, but it shouldn't mean a thing if he doesn't respect you. Don't be with someone because they've got a smooth voice and can put together pretty word that make you feel good for a second if their actions don't match up. Don't just stand around on the side waiting for a guy because he tells you he likes you, but follows that line with an excuse about how he isn't ready for anything. A man can like you, but that doesn't mean he will show you the respect you need and deserve. Sometimes you just need to start from where you are with self-love and care, you need to invest in yourself with a little maintenance, then you will start to see your value build back up again over time. Then you will see how important you are. Know your worth and practice your values before someone else can come in and start compromising them.
You have to treat yourself with respect in order to gain other's respect. By hanging around someone who doesn't value you, it's showing others you don't value yourself as much as you should. Because if your hanging out with someone who doesn't value you, it's changing your values, not theirs. If you live your life with the values of trust, respect and love, you shouldn't settle for someone who doesn't fully invest in you or your relationship. You shouldn't be with someone who doesn't fully trust, respect or love you just because you're scared to let him go, in hopes he might change. All that is doing is compromising your values and internally diminishing your self-worth.
You can't constantly wonder what you're doing wrong and why he isn't as invested in you as you are him when you've let your values down in order to let him in. You want to be the change, you hope you can be the change in him, but love is not mean to change a person into who you want them to be. Love can't change your partner and make them into someone they're not. A guy can like you, but his words shouldn't mean anything until he respect you because by allowing someone into your life who doesn't respect you ultimately shows that you don't respect yourself. You should never let someone walk all over you, use you, or make you feel like you're just a side piece because that shows lack of respect towards yourself and he'll know he can just continue to put you in those horrible situations and leave you hanging. He knows he can do it over and over again.
You can claim to be strong in your values, to have high values, but it's important to realize the company you keep says a lot about how you value yourself. Your values should be everything to you and more important than a guy liking you. Invest in yourself, show yourself self-love and care, and you will start to see the value you hold. You will start to respect yourself more and you will start demanding that respect in return. If someone doesn't respect you, kick their butt to the curb because the attention isn't worth the self-torture you're going to put yourself through.