I remember years ago my mother and I were driving past the less than developed Kennesaw State University when she turned to me and said, "You should go to KSU when you graduate so you can see me all of the time." I must have been about 13 years old and had hardly seen the outside of Kennesaw. I came back with the very quick response of, "Oh, No way! I am going to school far, far away." Well, here I am, years later and I am still a resident of Kennesaw, and a year away from graduating from KSU. To tell you the truth, I am not mad that I haven't left, it kind of makes me feel like "I'm a small town girl" just without the thick southern accent. That all being said, and the fact that my time here in Kennesaw is possibly coming to an end here with in the next year, has provoked me to create a list of things that will remind all of my other Kennesaw kids out there that you're from there or at least grew up very close by. Shout out to all of the other local content creators for lending a hand!
1. You know you're from Kennesaw when you have to travel to every other surround city to go out.
Buckhead, Woodstock, and Athens are your go to drinking and good time locations. Other than that it looks like you're hitting up Owlz Pub or Cowboys. Don't lie, that has been so you a couple of times.
2. You know you're from Kennesaw when you haven't had to travel past Chastain Road in the past week.
Are there other roads in Georgia? What does the rest of the this state even look like? Chastain Road meets about 85% of your needs. And yes this includes Chastain Meadows Road for that late night Walmart run.
3. You know you're from Kennesaw when someone has asked you if you actually have to have a gun in your household.
Rules are meant to be broken; haven't you heard?
4. You know you're from Kennesaw when you consider going to KSU as going the community college.
First off, people travel from all over the place to come to this school. Second, I am pretty sure up until recently it was the second largest school in the state. But, yeah, Mom and Dad do live right around the corner.
5. You know you're from Kennesaw when you can post on Instagram that you made it to the top of Kennesaw Mountain to make it seem as if you aren't lazy to the people who aren't from Kennesaw.
The truth is you could have just driven to the top, but what those not from Kennesaw don't know, wont hurt them.
6. You know you're from Kennesaw when getting a Cook-Out was the biggest deal ever.
Those milkshakes though.
7. You know you're from Kennesaw when you think a plane is taking an emergency landing into your car or backyard, but it's actually landing at the local airport.
Don't lie, you definitely flinched.
8. You know you're from Kennesaw when you still hangout with the same group of people from high school.
It's like your high school was the feeder school to Kennesaw State University.
9. You know you're from Kennesaw when you know who Dent Myers is.
AKA: Wild Man
10. You know you're from Kennesaw when you've gone to downtown Kennesaw fireworks on July 3rd every year since you've existed.
That's all there is to that one.
11. You know you're from Kennesaw when have painted the rock.
Everyone loves a good tradition.