Hopefully it will save/update it this time! Iowa is a unique state, not only for its crazy weather patterns, but also for the people that call Iowa their home. If you grew up in Iowa, or still live here today, you should be able to identify with these scenarios. If you find any of the scenarios relatable, make sure to share with your friends and family:
1. It’s 80 degrees one day and snowing the next day.
2. You can do a 360 and all you see are corn fields.
3. Your family vacation is driving 2 hours to go shopping for the day.
4. You live within a 30 mile radius of a Pizza Ranch.
5. There’s occasionally a tractor parked in your school parking lot.
6. People are super polite in public.
7. You’re convinced you don’t have an accent.
8. Detasseling was your first job.
9. The selection of radio stations doesn’t go into double digits.
10. Sweet corn is sold on every street corner in town during the summer.
11. Traffic jams are caused by tractors.
12. You measure distances in time.
13. You listen to country music in the summer regardless if you actually like it.
14. Driving at night means your car gets a new paintjob due to bug juice.
15. At least one of your teachers is a family-friend.
16. You have a random collection of baseball caps related to agriculture.
17. You go outside to see if the weather is actually “that bad” when a storm warning is issued.
18. Walking anywhere is almost impossible some days due to the wind.
19. You go outside in shorts and a t-shirt in the spring when it's only 50 degrees.
20. Your skin develops a permanent layer of dirt in the summer.
21. Your whole town relocates for a day when your school is competing for a state title.
22. Any drive longer than 2 hours is considered “the most boring drive ever.”