Everyday people underestimate education programs. They may assume that education majors chose the field they did because it was the easier option. Those people, don’t know what they are talking about. Is teaching the same as any STEM related field, or politics? No, but there are aspects to being an education major that are unique, at times difficult, very rewarding and definitely worth the snide remarks. If you’re an education major, you’ve learned to take all those remarks with a grain of salt, because you know that education is an extremely important field, and no one can ever convince you otherwise. What are some of those aspects that tell you you chose the right field?
1.You take every opportunity you can to talk about your experiences working with children thus far.
Seriously, whenever I can relate something to a child I have worked with, I jump on it and brag about the student as if he or she were my own.
2.Walking into any teacher supply store makes your heart soar and your wallet cry.
Can't I buy ALL the supplies?
3.You don’t care that teaching isn’t a “high earning profession,” even though you think it should be.
I’m not interested in being a teacher to make the big bucks, I want to make a big difference. But a raise wouldn’t be the worst thing.
4.Hearing someone talk about how teaching isn’t a difficult profession makes your blood boil.
Do you want to try managing a classroom of 20 students while simultaneously teaching them a new concept? Also, our work hours are drastically different; many teachers come early and stay late.
5.Seeing kids anywhere in public makes your day.
They’re all just so cute!
6.You get super excited to go shopping for school supplies each year.
Why yes, I do already own a thousand pens… What’s your point? I’m still buying these ones.
7.You have a Pinterest board on teaching crafts and hacks.
8.You find ways to reuse simple household items like water bottles and toilet paper rolls.
If you can scrap it, you can craft it.
9.You have at least one teaching related app downloaded to your phone.
You have no shame in taking up memory on your phone because of said apps – they make you a better teacher, and honestly they’re way more entertaining than Angry Birds or Candy Crush.
10.The classes you take each semester don’t bore you to tears.
If teaching is for you, you will genuinely enjoy your classes.
11. As a kid, you played pretend teacher often.
My stuffed animals were my first students!
12. Jess from New Girl is one of your idols.
Can I be that spunky and cute when I am a teacher, please?
13.You take a different kind of passion in writing sample lesson plans.
You envision yourself actually teaching the lessons and you get all sorts of giddy.
14.You are subscribed to some kind of teaching magazine/newsletter.
You might not even read it each time it comes, but it is a vital part of your mailbox.
15. You already know what your future classroom will look like.
Some people fantasize about their weddings, you fantasize about your classroom.
16. You have a strong opinion on testing.
Don’t ask a future teaching what he or she thinks about this, you will be listening to a long and very well-rehearsed speech.
17. As much as you like breaks between semesters, you’re always itching to be back in school.
You’re addicted to school, what can you do? It could be a lot worse.
18. Your closet is slowly becoming a haven for teaching appropriate attire.
And yet, you can never have enough.
19. You have a collection of books you will use in your future classroom, and take no shame in increasing it.
You shop for books any chance you get; thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets. Heck, you even have some of your own books from childhood in this collection!
20. The first day of any field experience gets you hyped.
Is this what it feels like to win the lottery?
21. You’re fully prepared for a lifetime of snide remarks about how teachers have it easy, taking the summer off.
You do realize that teachers get done in 10 months what it takes other professions a year to do? And it’s not like teachers jet off to the Bahamas for two months – they spend most of the summer preparing for the next year.
22. Your friends from the same major are like family.
You just get each other on a whole different level!
23. At the end of the day, no matter how tired you are, you know you wouldn’t want it any other way.
I would like to thank all the educators of our world, for their hard work, countless (unpaid) hours spent preparing, and dedication to a thankless job.