Girls often sell themselves too short. Lately, I have been realizing how often I settle. I settle for a guy who could care less about me, I settle for a friend that is only around when it is convenient for them, and I settle for the lesser version of myself that at the time makes me feel better. I have come to some realizations that every one needs to accept, myself included.
You do not need someone in your life to make you complete.
I know, at least for me, it feels better to have someone around, regardless on how you feel about them. It's just nice to have someone there. You get captivated in your loneliness and having someone there momentarily will take some of the loneliness away briefly, but that only makes it flood in that much more when they leave. Become content with yourself, it will ultimately make you happier than that momentary person.
Know your worth.
I find myself constantly making excuses for those in my life and allowing myself to be walked all over when I deserve much more. What is hard for me to understand is that those people are not worth excuses, and they are not worth my time. That is the hardest concept for most of us to grasp. Some people really don't have your best interest at heart, and it's time to accept that fact and move on. You are better than that, and I am better than that.
They missed out.
I honestly feel sorry for any friend or guy that has been in my life that threw their relationship away with me. That might sound a little cocky, but that is the attitude you need to embrace when you encounter these situations. There is only one you, and if they didn't want to get to know you and learn to love you like you deserve, they missed out. You are one of a kind and you are flawless.
"Your self-worth is determined by you. You don't have to depend on someone to tell you who you are." -Beyonce
Spoken from the true queen, you determine your self worth.
Tell him boy bye, and you ain't sorry.