It seemed like Donald Trump could not surpass his typical vulgarity, but he has done it. An audio recording from 2005 has surfaced where Mr. Trump can be heard saying "grab them by the pussy" and other lewd comments. Unfortunately, these remarks are neither shocking nor out of character for the Republican nominee. Throughout his entire campaign, misogynistic and racist comment have been abundant.
As election time draws closer, it is imperative that we as a nation hold our nominees accountable. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or other, we should all be angered at the dismissive manner in which Trump speaks about women and minorities. It is frightening that a man could be elected who has a total disregard for half of our nations population. It is frightening that a man who says "I did try and fuck her. She was married," and "When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything" could potentially be the leader of the free world. How did we get to a place as a nation that a crude egomaniac seems like the best fit for president? It is embarrassing and it is an injustice.
To anyone still thinking of casting a vote for Donald Trump this November, I implore you to think of your daughters, your sisters, your wives. Is this the man you want to set an example for your family? Do you want your children hearing The President of the United States throwing vulgarities around flippantly? Mr. Trump speaks about women as if they are things created just for male desire and nothing more. As a woman, I am outraged. Put political parties aside. This is so much more than the Republican and Democratic Party. This is about a man being elected into office and taking our nation back 50 years. His mindset is archaic and dangerous.
The most alarming thing out of all this insanity is that Donald Trump dismissed his sexist comments by calling it "locker-room banter." Here again is another prime example of his complete incapability to recognize his mistakes. He does not get to say things as vile as "I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait." and brush it aside as boys being boys. No. That is called sexual assault. Kissing someone without consent is sexual assault. Making moves on women who make it known that it is not welcome is sexual assault. Donald Trump does not get to get away with sexual assault. Yet here he is, getting away with it. Why? Why are people so devoted to a man simply because of an R next to his name? It is wake up call time, Trump is no more a Republican than Hillary Clinton. He is an opportunist who saw an opening and took it and people are too unaware or too uncaring to notice.
Take away all Trumps failing businesses, take away his crude speech and sexist comments, take away the fact that his ex-wife Ivana claimed he raped her, take away him calling Mexican immigrants "rapists", take away him mocking a disabled man, take away him calling former Miss Universe "Miss Piggy", take away all of it, and all you have is a low life, thin-skinned man who is somehow deemed high enough to be our president. Do not say you are voting for Trump because the alternative is worse. Hillary has had her share of mishaps, but Trump takes the cake. It seems as if Trump can truly say and do whatever he wants and people do not care, and that is not on Mr. Trump, that is on us. We are electing a sexist, we are electing a racist, we are electing this monster, and I for one will not be aligning myself with such a disgrace.