I know all you incoming freshman are just so excited to leave the nest and go off to college. I was the same way a year ago. But there are a few things I wish I had known ahead of time. I would like to share some information with you that will be important to know before move-in day arrives.
1. Move-n day
Move-in day is an exciting day! You get to move away from home for the first time, be on your own and make your own rules! You are excited! Until it comes time to unpack the car/truck and carry up all of your stuff up flights and flights of stairs because your dorm does not have an elevator. Move-in day is in the middle of August, so more than likely, it is going to be hot, muggy and gross. You may be tempted to dress cute, but be sure to wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. When it comes to packing, remember that less is more. Chances are you are going to come home in between now and when it's bitter cold and you need to get those layers. Also, be excited! You will meet tons of new people on move-in day! Enjoy the new faces. Be sure to humor your parents and pose for the pictures.
2. Yes, you will have to share space.
I knew I was going to have a roommate and was going to have to share space with her, but I never considered the rest of the floor. Every dorm is different, but here is what I experienced: I had to share one bathroom, containing two showers and five bathroom stalls with about 30 girls. At first, figuring out shower schedules was difficult, but once you find out who all is on your floor, you can find the best time to shower. You are very close together. People tend to be loud, and the halls in dorms tend to make noise even louder, so be considerate to your neighbors or know who to contact when things are too loud on your floor.
Related:To The Roommate Who Became My Sister
3. Always wear shoes in the bathroom.
You share a bathroom, remember? You don't know where everyone has been or what someone has done. You just never know who has what or what could have been on the floor before you walked in so better safe than sorry. Always wear some sort of shoe when in the bathroom!
4. Textbooks
The only reason I knew not to get textbooks through my university was my older sister. But seriously, this is a huge mistake freshman make. Yes, it is easier to go to your campus bookstore and get everything you need, but you are going to spend more money than you usually need to. I buy or rent textbooks from http://www.chegg.com/. My sister used http://www.half.ebay.com/. There are plenty of websites out there to rent or buy textbooks. Save yourself some money and stress by shopping around and getting them online.
Related:7 Lessons I've Learned From Being A Resident Assistant
Going away to college and being on your own for the first time is a lot to handle, but knowing a few things will help your tranistion go smooth.