Every time I tell someone I'm from Kentucky these common things get discussed. Every. Single. Time.
1. Everyone thinks we don’t wear shoes.
Anytime you go out of state and people realize your from Kentucky they will automatically look down at your feet. You usually think “ummm yeah I wear shoes in Kroger...just not outside. I’m not an animal”
2. Our accents vary by county.
Not all of us have a super southern accent like portrayed in movies. People from NKY sound more Ohioan, Louisvillians are more neutral, while people from the central counties have a strong southern accent.
3. Contrary to popular beliefs, we don’t all ride horses.
Yes we have the Kentucky Derby and yes, we absolutely love it! However, this doesn't mean that we ride horses everywhere. We have cars just like everyone else.
4. You HATE when people mispronounce Louisville.
It’s not Lewisville or Looeyville or LoUHville. It’s Lulvul.
5. The weather is bipolar.
Friday: 35 degrees and snowing
Saturday: 75 degrees and sunny
Sunday: 55 degrees and thunderstorms
6. You don’t know what region of the country you’re in.
Is Kentucky a southern state? Some say it’s midwestern? Honestly who knows.
8. You have to explain that there are other cities besides Louisville and Lexington.
These are not the only cities that exist. Granted most of the other cities are smaller or less populated, but they do, in fact, exist.
Although it's not my favorite thing to discuss these things, I will always love my old Kentucky home.