A we all grow up wanting those friendships and relationships we see on television. A popular show that has both of these wants and needs in life is "Grey's Anatomy." Meredith and Christina are the best of friends and can be defined as being each others person. Then there are Meredith and Derek as well as Lexi and Mark who have a great relationships and a love like no other couple. I think that some of us go through life searching for people who can be these things for us.
Instead of searching for them, we should be able to let it happen and not have to search because friendships and relationships take time before you get that "just know" feeling that this individual is your person. You can have the love of your life and still have your best friend as your soulmate. Anyone who has these relationships in their life are beyond lucky and should truly cherish these people. We never know what each day holds for us and we should always tell the ones we love and care about that we do. Here are a few ways that you know you have found your very own person.
Someone who is going to love you till the end of time no matter what happens.
Knowing that you can be a hero just to one person instead of many because you are truly just that special.
Someone who can cheer you on and that you feel comfortable being your complete self around.
Knowing that you have someone who will drop everything to be by your side and help you.
There are many more things that your person will do for you too, these are just a few of them. I think Meredith and Christina are a great example of this type of friendship because they are completely themselves around each other and know that the other person will always, always be there for them. Find someone that you are comfortable around and that makes you a better person. Someone that you want to be around and that wants to be around you, someone who will put just as much effort and time into the relationship or friendship as you will. Find someone who is going to be there in the big scheme of things. Don't give up if it takes some time to find your person because in the long run it will be worth it.