1. A celebrity known as "Barefoot Scooter Guy" flies past you on the way to class.
2. Random parts of campus occasionally smell like fish for no known reason.
3. Your teacher's office is secretly hidden in the entrance of the Cistern.
4. You skip class to go to the beach ... in November ...
5. You walk out of Cougar Mall with 3 flyers, a donut, and the opportunity to pie a frat guy in the face.
6. You hit up the hotdog stand on Glebe and order the "Starving Student" on your way home from classes.
7. The red hand across the street is only a suggestion.
8. You carry an umbrella in your purse when there's no said chance of rain.
9. The best cafe is in a laundry mat.
10. You empty out your purse or pocket to find 10 different pamphlets.
11. The security guard in the library tells you to "Shhh" no matter how quiet you're whispering.
12. You see construction EVERYWHERE.
 13. Seeing people take drunken selfies with the cougar in Cougar Mall is not abnormal.
14. Hitting up Sabatino's isn't even a question on a Saturday night.
15. There's more people on King at 2am than 8pm on a weekend night.
16. Second Sunday = Puppies.
17. The Jimmy Johns delivery guy gets to your house before you even finish your order.
18. You know what the "Manager's Special" is and where it's offered.
19. You have to speed walk around tourists to get to class.
20. You see guys in uniform every Wednesday and weekends.
21. You get the irony of the "Still Undefeated" shirts.
22. Owning a car downtown does not mean you will drive it to get from place to place downtown due to parking, or lack there of.
23. You know the pain and embarrassment of the "Charleston Shuffle" all too well.
24. You receive a $45 parking ticket on Street Sweeping day.Â
25. The wifi in the library likes to play jokes and kicks you off the internet every 5 minutes.
26. There's even more city pride than school pride.