Hi! I'm Caleigh Shaw, and my name is pronounced like California, not Kaley or other spellings. Here are the answers to all the icebreaker questions that people ask.
What's your name? Caleigh Shaw.
Where are you from? Metro Atlanta, Ga.
What's your major? Writing and Linguistics at Georgia Southern.
What year are you? 2018 (most likely).
I plan on writing books or screenplays, and I would like to get into the business of publishing whether it's as a literary agent or an editor. My job would, literally, be reading books all day, and what's better than that? I plan on traveling far and wide, and settling down in New York.
Here are some facts about me.
1. I'm probably 50 percent mac and cheese because of how much I ate as a child.
2. The shows I'm currently obsessing over are "Mad Men," "Grey's Anatomy," "The Office," and "How I Met Your Mother."
3. I have self-published a book that I did for a project in high school, and you can buy it. (I find it a really cheesy young adult novel.)
4. My favorite movies are "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "Pride and Prejudice" (2005).
5. I have been to Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and I can't wait to see more!
6. I'm really introverted, and I don't talk a lot.
7. I'm crazy about saving money, but once I go shopping, I can become obsessive and impulsive.
8. I'm a huge Potterhead (I reread the books often) and I'm a Whovian, too.
9. I like Chacos, but I own Tevas (which are Chacos cheaper equivalent.) Both are awesome, though!
10. I somehow only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays (thank you writing classes)!
11. I can laugh on command.
12. I get the hiccups a lot, and I sound like a puppy.
13.I don't like fruit. Every time I try a fruit I hate the texture.
14. I'm so excited to be part of the Odyssey team! Can't wait for all of you to read what I have to say!