Hello, Odyssey lovers! I'm so happy to be able to say that I'm a new contributing writer to this site. I'm a sophomore PR major here at GSU, as well as the current PR coordinator for Delta Phi Epsilon. Most of the time, you can find me freaking out over how unprepared I feel for life, and the rest of the time you can find me binge watching a Netflix series to try and avoid exactly that.
Ready or not, here are some random things you should know about me.
1. I have no self-control when it comes to limiting my Nutella intake.
2. I live and breathe the motto “Esse Quam Videri” (To be, rather than to seem to be), because being your best self trumps trying to be someone else, any day, amirite?
3. Give me a rainy day and "Dirty Dancing" and I'll be one happy girl.
4. Videos of military personnel returning home to their family members and anything to do with proposals or weddings make me cry. Every. Single. Time. Which drives me crazy because I refuse to admit I have emotions.
5. If I had the means, I would drop everything this very second, to travel the globe.
6. I have two sides to me -- the high maintenance, extremely driven Blair Waldorf, and the quirky, go-with-the-flow Jessica Day. Unfortunately, there is no in-between.
7. I need a blanket on me at all times, no matter what season it is, because I promise you, I'm freezing.
8. Ice cream is basically an extra tier I added onto my personal food pyramid.
9. Watching scary movies constitutes a form of torture for me.
10. I can be a little dramatic from time to time (see #8).
11. I'm awkward and scatterbrained, but I refuse to let that stop me from confidently marching (okay, stumbling), through life.