Even the most creative people can suffer from a loss of inspiration or creative drive. Sometimes the simple thought of having to create something can bring feelings of dread and the pressure to create can be cumbersome. But in the end, the finished product can be worth it. Whenever I hit a creative block, these five things really help me get back on track and ignite my creative spark, and I hope they help you too!
1. Be sure to find your "zone."
It sounds ridiculously simple, but finding the right location can really help your creativity soar. Be it a coffee shop where you can people watch and immerse yourself in caffeine, or outside where the bright sunshine can illuminate your thoughts. Being in the right place at the right time can truly make a difference when you are trying to create. It's up to you to explore and figure out what space works best for you and is most comfortable.
2. Don't underestimate the power of silence.
Silence is one of the most powerful things in the world. Sometimes the loudness of the world can mute our inspiration, and hectic surroundings can easily overwhelm us. It's important to have quiet time, as well as time to reflect on your thoughts and ideas. Next time you feel overwhelmed, try to avoid distractors- like your phone or Netflix- and enjoy the silence. You'd be surprised how much calmer you will feel and how organized your thoughts can get.
3. Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone.
Go to that new restaurant! Go to that cool museum with the art that makes no sense! Go see that really obscure band! You'd be surprised that by leaving your comfort zone, you're opening new doors that can influence new ways of thinking. You may like that weird band, even if their music sounds like a computer malfunctioning, and you may also find yourself refreshed with new perspectives of creativity.
4. Try to surround yourself with creative people.
The people you hang around have a greater impact on you than you may think. Hanging around like-minded individuals can really help you get inspired. When creative minds come together for a common good, amazing things can happen. Surround yourself with supportive people who can help you find that creativity and foster new ideas.
5. Don't care.
This may be one of the most important attitudes regarding creativity and life at large. Sometimes we are unable to create because we fear what the reactions of others may be, and to that I say: Screw it! Don't let social schemas or the opinions of others stop your ideas from flowing. You're never going to please everyone, and despite the constant pressures of conformity, don't conform. Do or create whatever you want.
At the end of the day, you are in the driver's seat. You decide what ways creativity comes best to you, but I hope that when you feel stuck, you are able to pull through and make something wonderful. Now go out there and create!