This ABC series premiered in 2005 before being featured on Netflix only a couple years later. "Grey's Anatomy" not only gives people a sense that they can conquer surgery when the only word they know on the show is STAT, but it also teaches valuable lessons mixed with humor and heart wrenching moments. You find ways that you relate to the show in every episode, but specifically, people who are single, feel the biggest connection with the 12 seasons. Here are 10 thoughts that every single person has while watching "Grey's Anatomy."
1. If only everyone thought like this...
2. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
3. "So tell me about yourself."
4. And when you see that person you had a thing with that didn't go well...
5. Or when you feel like you've been single for too long...
6. When your best friend gets another guy's number from the night out.
7. Why can't all men think like this?
8. "How come you don't have a boyfriend?"
9. "That cute boy is looking at you across the bar."
10. Texts every friend in phone. Every said person is with their significant other.
But at the end of the day, being single isn't the worse thing when you are waiting for the right person. Why settle and be with the wrong person for the time being? Why have another heartbreak or lose friends over choosing that someone who you thought was your one? So thank you "Grey's Anatomy" for teaching me what being single really means.