When I stop to take a moment and think about it, I really cannot believe that I'm a senior in college. It really does seem like just yesterday when I was graduating high school and preparing for the next chapter in life. I have to stop and say that I am so thankful for all the friends that I have made at Southern Miss. I truly do feel like I have laid my strongest roots here in Hattiesburg and it is because I've had so many fantastic and loving people by my side. I just have to say that there are so many other people who I've met that aren't on this list but I couldn't include everyone. I have thought about this for a while and I've decided that I wanted to write an article about the awesome people who I've met at Southern Miss. So in no particular order, here are 20 people who I've met in college who have changed my life for the better.
1. Aaron Strum-
Although I met Aaron at All-State Honor Coir back in high school, I felt the overwhelming need to include him. Aaron took me under his wing when I first got to college. Sometimes the transition from high school to college isn't always the easiest but Aaron always went above and beyond to help adjust to life at Southern Miss, and for that I am forever grateful. He's also the main influence on my deciding to join Phi Mu Alpha. Cheers to you, Aaron!
2. Matthew Mulvihill-
I couldn't have asked for a better roommate during sophomore year! Mulvihill is actually ridiculously funny and also very kind. I do remember several nights of us staying up and reading our bibles, devotionals, and praying. It was nice having a roommate who was also a friend. You could catch us on Frat Row sometimes or just hanging out in the cafeteria at school. I really can't imagine such a great year in college without having him by my side.
3. John Richard Wright II-
John and I got to Southern Miss the same year and both got into the all male a cappella group Spirit of Southern and our friendship has just taken off over the years. John knows how to have a good time and is just as much of a socialite as I. If there's ever trip or tour that the choir goes on, we're always roomies! I am thankful for his endless insight and constant friendship. He has really been there for me through the good and the bad. He has such a passion for music, and it is my hope that he and I are both successful choral directors in the future!
4. Nathan Sanders-
I'm sure Nathan would be surprised to be on this list but here he is. Nathan has always been a goof friend of mine, although I feel like we've gotten a bit closer with him within the last year. Nathan is incredibly smart and I think it's undisputed how talented he is. As a musician, it's inspiring to see someone who is so passionate about their craft, and I hope to be that inspiration for others. Taking percussion lessons this past semester just gave me such an appreciation for all they do; so Nathan I appreciate you!
5. Sophie Shoults-
Sophie and I met during freshman year when she was still a music major, go figure, right? I was lucky to sing with her in Concert Choir under Dr. Flanery's direction. Sophie has always been a paragon of positivity and I've always been able to call on her when I was down in the dumps. Its always good to have a friend who is willing to take out a pint of ice cream and cry with you. For that, I am so glad to have Sophie in my life after all this time.
6. Nikisha Willams-
Nikisha and I also met during my freshman year and today we as close as we've ever been. I think it's rare in this life we meet people who just genuinely understand you as a person and 100% accepts you for who you are. I worried that our friendship would slowly fade away when she moved to Memphis, thinking that she would find better friends to suit her. I have to say we've only become closer. Her voice is like heaven wrapped up in a bow, and her personality is just the same. I'm glad that we've remained so fond of each other; I really do feel as if I am a better person with her by my side.
7. Johanna Greber-
What is there to say about a friend who loves Whitney Houston as much I do? Johanna has been one of the most supportive people I've met and unfortunately I was sometimes foolish and took that for granted. Though we fought sometimes, she has never stopped loving me. Now she is teaching in Sweden and I could not be more proud of her. This list would be incomplete without her.
8. Andrew Villanueva-
Andrew and I just became friends this past March; we started hanging out after my trip from Jamaica. The reason why I appreciate Andrew so much is because he has traveled just as much has I have. He has this zest for new places and meeting new people that I felt I'd lost. Having him around this semester really made life a lot brighter and more spontaneous and I'm so glad for it. Thanks Drew!
9. Vincent McMurtery-
Vince has always been an inspiration to me. When we were freshman, Vince was diagnosed with cancer. I was devastated for him, honestly. I can't imagine starting a new chapter in your life and then having to put it on hold. Between chemo treatments and restless nights, he always had a positive attitude. Seeing a friend go through something so awful really made me appreciate the life I've been given. I'm proud to say that he has been in remission for a year and a half now, and a senior at USM. I couldn't be more proud of who he is!
10. Jack Bounds-
Jack and I go all the way back to freshman year. We were in some of the same music classes as freshman music majors; not to mention us living in the same dorm that year. Over the past few years we've become great friends and for that I am thankful. Whether we are complaining about our issues or just sitting around and having a good times with our friends, I can always expect a good time. I know I can always count on him to have my back. When my grandfather was sick last semester and I was stressed and freaking out, Jack was always there by my side. I consider him one of my closest friends here at Southern Miss and wouldn't have it any other way!
11. Reagan Pepper-
She was one of the first friends I made at Southern Miss because we met and hit it off immediately at Freshman Preview. Even though she has transferred to a different university, I find that our bond hasn't changed. No matter how long we go without seeing each other, we always pick up where we left off. I can remember many nights where she and I sat on campus late at night talking about all of life's wonders. Many of those memories carry me on when she isn't near and I'm so appreciative of those ties now in retrospect.
12. Michael Rigney-
I can say without question that he is my closest friend. We met during the fall semester of 2012 when we sang in Men's Choir. His patience and overwhelming understanding are some of his greatest qualities. When he graduated and started school at Tulane, I was worried that our friendship would wither away but on the contrary, I was wrong. I think that our friendship is stronger now than when he was here. I've realized that when a friend moves away you truly do appreciate all of their wonderful attributes.
13. Skylar Falgout-
Skylar is a senior theatre major and I've always admired her persistence and tenacity. We met in Eng 101 our freshman year. We ended up working together one day on a class assignment and realized we were both in The Arts. We've supported each other these past few years, and for that I'm grateful. She is a kind soul and has a lot to offer those around her. Although we don't see each other often, I hope she knows that she has a friend and fan of her work in me
14. Gunner Vowell-
Hands down, Gunner has to be one of the talented musicians I've met during my time here at USM. I think most people mistakenly perceive him to be quiet or shy but I know different. I know that when I have a problem and need some hardcore honest advice, Gunner is always the person I go to. Aside from that, he's one of the funnier people that I know. as he's approaching his last year here at USM, I'll be sad to see him move on, but I have no doubt that he will go on to do amazing things.
15. Jill Berry-
Jill and I lead very different lives so our schedules always conflict. No matter what, Jill and I always find time to hang out with each other and typically the only time that works for the both of us is at night. For the past 2 years we've always met up at Stone's Throw, which is the only food place that's open late on campus. We sit outside and catch up on life over some coke and some curly fries. We've gone to date parties together and road-tripped to New Orleans our sophomore year. I know I can always count on Jill for a good laugh and companionship.
16. Joshua Menard-
Although I don't remember how we met I know that over the past year I've thoroughly enjoyed Josh's company. If you ever need to be around someone who's going to make you feel better about life in general, Josh is your guy. Though he is a sophomore this year I'm proud of the progress and success he has had thus far in his collegiate career. Josh has always gone above and beyond for me when he didn't have to but I guess that's what friends are truly for.
17. Asia Butler-
Here's the great thing about Asia, she has her own life and friends and is always marching to the beat of her own drum. Since freshman year she's been a constant friend who's there for you with a listening ear. No only that, but Asia and her awesome dancing skills never fail to lien up a party. Within the last year we've grown a lot closer, and trust me I'm not complaining. Asia is a sassy No nonsense kind of girl. Don't we all need someone like that in our lives?
18. Trey Stewart-
If anyone has inspired me to be my best self it is Trey. One great quality about Trey is that he will always unapologetically be himself. He's a good guy but doesn't take crap from anyone. Being friends, I've learned to be comfortable with myself and just be happy with what life has to offer. Everyday he inspires me to go out into the world and forge my own path no matter what others think. Trey, you'll never know how much I appreciate our friendship.
19. Trevor Ciongoli-
Do you have that friend that you know you can call late at night and they'll pick up for you? For me that's definitely Trevor. He's currently the leader of the in-house band at the Beau Rivage on the coast. A talented pianist, guitarist, and vocalist, Trevor motivates me to be a better musician. Seeing how he's an adult now and isn't in college anymore, I don't see him much but he always makes an effort to come see me perform with The Southern Chorale. I am tankful that we've remained just as close even though he's away.
20. Marc Rivet-
Funny story, for the past 2 years our studio lessons have been at the same time, so if all else fails I know that I will get to chat with him at least once a week. I don't know if he's aware but as a musician and friend, I look up to him. Marc, has to be one of the most talented and humble people I've met. He is so dedicated to his craft and is always looking to be better than he was yesterday. Being around him makes me want to be a better person for myself and others. I can only hope that I do the same for him!